
I read a reddit AMA that says that working as a male stripper for women is terrible, and you make no money because women never tip.

You wouldn't make 50 grand stripping for women any time soon. Now, men, on the other hand...

Not south of LA.

Did we learn nothing from Dead Like Me?

If Audrina Patridge is our future, then obviously we're doomed.

Um, seriously, no idea where this is coming from. People act like their parents never called them anything ever. My parents, who are great, have called me much worse than "spoiled little pig" How the fuck is that "abusive"?? That is fairly par for the course of being a parent. It is ridiculous that this is being

It's not usually as windy as "leaf blower pointed directly at the turbine" outside...

My roommate always used to comment on that. He was like, "It's fucking yogurt, why won't she share it with her husband?" They're very dumb commercials, and they've totally shut out 1/2 of a market now by making yogurt women's food, when, um, it's yogurt. Everyone likes yogurt.

Kelly Ripa has a gay posse. Her, NPH, Andy, and Anderson. She's pretty much the highest level, um, fag hag. Is that an offensive term? I don't know.

Is that bad? I mean, she is his wife...

That's offensive. I'm dead inside and I still like Mario and Zelda. Way to make broad generalizations, geez.

I totally think that's part of being a germaphobe. You obsess over things you consider "dirty" while totally ignoring the real life things that are a lot more dirty.

Can someone explain to me how, after being divorced from the actual count, Luann still calls herself a countess? Not that I expect anything less from a real housewife, but, seriously, you're no longer a count lady. I want to meet her in person just to tell her that.

To me, and this is because I am a germaphobe, iPads in hospitals sounds gross. You have all these diseases, and then you touch your iPad and take it home? Maybe this is why I am not a doctor.


This means, please get a phone before the new iPhone comes out!

something tells me fuzzy handcuffs have less of an effect.

Isn't the whole point of there not being a Kingdom Hearts 3 is that the whole team is focused on FFVSXIII? Let's not make a game guaranteed to print money, and then not focus on another one guaranteed to print money! Let's focus on a sequel to a game that basically is the epitome of the reasons why no one likes us

The call center thing is a joke. I worked in telecom, and I can tell you that TMobile is basically a ghost town, everyone has either been laid off or jumped ship. There are a lot more than 5000 jobs lost, and they wouldn't be creating the same type of jobs, either.

I think this is the kind of thing that, one day, will be the norm. I don't know about entirely computer surface tables, but interactive surfaces anyway. It's the kind of thing we think is ridiculous now, but in 40 years, who knows. It's like a personal computer in every home, in the 70s.