
I would watch the shit out of that movie. And the Sorry movie. You two should pitch those to studio execs.

Yeah, but it was dropped, and it was kind of like, you did a bad thing tee hee but FINN IS WRONG OMG HOW DARE YOUUUUUU. Ridiculous. And then instead of toning it down, he threw in the whole Blaine thing in season two, which is basically insane. When they got together, the speech made me do a spit take. "It's like,

It is so obvious that Ryan Murphy wished his high school life was like Glee, and is currently living out this fantasy through his writing of the Holy Saint Shall-Do-No-Wrong Ultra Perfect Magnificent Kurt.

She probably subsidizes her income with her income from her other jobs as a doctor/nurse/teacher/gymnast/scuba instructor/rap star/presidential candidate.

It's super a waste of money, and I'd certainly be terrified to be anywhere near this building, much less inside... I don't think it matters where it is.

You mean I have to take responsibility for the things that I say????

I find it lazy and boring if you're not from New York....

I really don't blame the lawyers. No one forces you to sign the ridiculous contract, and you do so under your own power. It's not like any of those people have never heard of this show before and don't know what it entails. Caveat Emptor!

There's nothing wrong with internet dating, per se, but you should probably meet at a coffee shop in broad daylight first.

This this a port of the original or War of the Lions? I would buy this but I actually own both of those so I can't think of a good reason....

That's not a very nice thing to say about Condi Rice.

My father has attempted to do laundry to help out many, many times, and every single time he manages to ruin something of mine. He is forbidden to do laundry.

I have never understood why, when the children are able to speak, and not like, several months old, especially teenagers who probably understand what the first wife did, aren't asked where they would like to live. I mean, I'd probably run away the first second I had the chance if put in that situation anyway.

Katy Perry also wrong a derogatory song called "Ur So Gay" so there's that....

I think being a grad student automatically makes you middle class....

It sounds like she returns the favor in kind.

I am sure that the capacity for humans to do stupid things is limitless, as this story pretty much proves. Therefore, I'd feel a lot safer if dumb people didn't have guns.

A true alcoholic does not need a shot glass when he or she is next to a bottle of tequila.

I'm really happy I didn't buy this. I'll admit that there are a ton of normal DS games that I want to play ever since my original one broke, but I'll wait for the Nintendo 3DS SLIQ (10 bucks says that's the name!) or whatever it is to come out.

I would argue that Twilight seriously has no place at comic-con, and now it's a huge draw. Ridiculous.