
Seriously, in Norcal, my allergies are going crazy. Do you live in LA? I never had allergy problems when I lived there, mainly because there were no plants.

google chat totally destroyed aim for me and all my friends. I haven't used it in a couple of years.

Maybe facebook is trying to tell you something. (I mean this in the most joking way possible)

I did not know that! Learn something new every day.

Oh man, can you imagine the freakouts French people would have if all the French people were speaking Canadian French? I think they'd have a big problem with that haha.

HD-DVDS...? Pretty sure that's not a thing anymore....

I have been a loyal fan of suikoden (except for 4, it looked bad, what can I say?) and if they're not going to make 6, which they definitely should, they could at least have the courtesy to release II (the best one) on the PSN.

I would buy any platform that Suikoden 6 came out on. COME ON KONAMI MAKE IT ALREADY!!!

I'm very aware of that, but I'm also very aware that that information is INCREDIBLY easy to obtain. Scary easy.

It's not like they handed it over to someone when they asked for it. I'm sure they did try really hard. Hopefully now everyone will try even harder, I guess. But, seriously, it's not like this was some sort of computer error where they sent out this database in a mass email (which has happened to my information

People act like their social security numbers were stolen, or something. I mean, hopefully you can change your passwords so nothing nefarious happens, but your general personal information is DEFINITELY out there, and there's a good chance due to skimmers and people who steal your information in person that your CC

Saying that you'll consider doing something is a lot different than actually doing it. I don't think this means much. You could probably get a poll to say that 21% of XBOX users are maybe kinda considering switching over to the PS3 because of the outbreak, if you tried hard enough.

...It's a little less existential than that. This author has a theory, that is no where near proven, but you can be sure people are going cite this article as hard fact.

uh, given that you'd have to do 10,000 permutations per card, it'd be pretty difficult. Also, it's not a password.... you have to try to buy something and be rejected 10,000 times....

I hate these articles, because they have no actual conclusion, but people use them as hard scientific fact in an argument.

I'm pretty sure these will sell to college kids who "don't care what people think of them, they just want to get around."

This is a serious question... what exactly is wrong with Mother Theresa? I mean, isn't she an actual saint?

Jesus comes back to life

My cursive is completely illegible, as are many, many people's, so....

yes, but you can hire the kid down the street to mow your lawn for 20 bucks, max. I'm pretty sure he'd do a better job than some gizmo, and it would take him 150 times to equal the cost of that thing. I probably mow my own lawn 30 times a year, as it doesn't need it in the winter, so that would be 5 years, after