
I'm an engineer, so everything I do is math, and a mess of equations. It's pretty much impossible to type up my notes. I'm pretty jealous of people who can do that, because I can't read my handwriting either.

Let me preface this with saying that I really really love Disgaea, and I've bought every single mainstream Disgaea game on every platform it's been released on. That being said, I really dislike the fact that the heaviest amount of game value is in the "replay" and after you finish the game. Only a VERY small market

@1up: I think my professors all hate me, I do this so much. Hey, it's not my fault they're so boring.

@Wollombi: Sigh, I feel like I'm fighting the internets and losing. Whatever. I'm also pretty sure that telling people to stop talking pointless nonsense is just as offensive, but whatever. I still disagree with this and the bump key article, and I reserve the right to my own opinion.

@ddillman: Use my brain? I already use WPA. However, many people who aren't technically savy don't know to use WPA and most likely don't read lifehacker. Teaching people who are more aware how to hack into their internet doesn't seem beneficial to me. How about you try using your brain and give me a better reason?

This is worse than the bump key article. I guess there are SOME legitimate reasons for needing a bump key.... but when are you ever going to need to crack your own WEP code? How can this possibly be used for good? No, seriously, someone tell me. I can't think of one good reason why you would need to break into

@Protector one: I wasn't aware the box arts wanted to have sex with members of their same box-art gender.

@TheMightyEthan: There's nothing "wrong" with it. You can def waste a couple of hours playing. However, there's really not much to DO. A couple of challenging mini-games, but once you've done them, the only thing you can do is try to do them better, and they're not that complex. It's fun, definitely worth 99

@Adhominem: I think you might be lucky/have good genes. Some people like you just have awesome metabolism.

@NoBullet: I didn't take it that seriously, don't worry.

@NoBullet: Not everyone is a 14 year old boy. (this sounds more offensive towards you than I am meaning for it to sound. All I'm saying is, I don't like boobs everywhere all the time.)

I'm mildly positive that two of the children in the photo are holding xbox controllers while two are holding ps3 controllers. Not sure how they're all playing together....

@balls187: I disagree, especially with the laptops. I love my macbook pro to death, but if I wanted a comparably strong PC, I could definitely have gotten one much cheaper. Plus, I probably could have gotten a warranty that covers accidental damage.

To be fair, they gave XII a 40, which, in my opinion (I stress this point, don't yell at me) it does not warrant a perfect score, or anything close. I mean, look at VII, the one the majority of fans like the most, that got a 38.

@ForestFire0: I have to respectfully disagree. Not only are chalkboards messy, they're much harder to clean, much harder to be exact, and many people hate the sound. Chalkboards would be awful in this situation, an office space. There'd be chalk dust over everything.

@coffinmouth: I guess a good medicine ball can be pretty expensive, like most things. But a decent medicine ball really isn't that expensive, and you really only need one. (Hard core workout enthusiasts could use varying weights, but really, how many people is that?) I think you should just invest in a good one, as

@Jason: Thank you for giving me a fear. Much appreciated. Just like the time I looked up trypophobia (DON'T DO IT!) #heathacks

Call me a minimalist, but when I see all thatstuff on a wall, I cringe. Seriously, I'm having a hard time just looking at the pictures. They just need to declutter and put most of those books and cds, many of which I bet they haven't touched in years, into storage, out of sight. #workspaces