Burn The Block

It’s his basement - he bought the house for his mom.

The interior is horrid and incredibly discordant. The steering wheel has flared angles that don’t line up with the badge in the middle; there’s a literal wall of buttons between you and a passenger; the infotainment UI is already dated and the car hasn’t released yet. As much as the exterior screams “New GM took risks!

That’s what a Chevy/GMC 2500 LTZ/Denali is for.

Still don’t know how to pronounce his name - booty-gig? Sounds like something I would do at a bathhouse on a saturday night.

Still waiting for working co-op split screen that you can read the text on aka vertical.

This sounds amazingly schlocky, akin to Little Shop of Horrors. It’s perfect.

Village Inn yesterday, too.

The still hypothetical Mazda RX-8

You know, for a tech reporting site you guys could at least include an example of what you’re reporting on, rather than linking to somebody else and losing what precious few clicks you’re already getting.

Copy editors? On my Kinja???

Chili’s on 45th and Lamar

Shoot at this rate the only people left in this herb farm are going to be named Jason.

I’m honestly surprised they’ve made it this far into 2020.

No that’s regular GM with the new front-end on a 2010 Malibu 2021 Equinox.

I know. 😢 Same with EGM.


Too bad they didn’t simply rip out the browser support for that functionality completely. Browser Push Notifications are right up near the top of most useless bloat added to browsers in the last 15 years.

That’s what ad block is for.

Honorable mention: Flipping the layout for a couple days, rolling it back, and now flipping it again. 😡