Burn The Block

Over the summer, similar negotiations fell through with the nationwide cable provider Dish Network, causing millions of subscribers across 23 states and D.C. to lose several Fox-owned regional sports stations. Afterward, Fox began firing back at the company, releasing commercials blaming Dish for the blackout and

I thought McCain was canceled? Why is this still a thing?

Yes I’m curious to know. The full text of the bill hasn’t been released yet, and interestingly enough ti entire financial appropriations bill is an amendment to a completely different bill authorizing the Mint to create a coin to memorialize the National Law Enforcement Museum in DC.

This is a big deal because the federal government doesn’t even regulate the age of gambling/lottery nor alcohol sales. Those are all state regulated; although the drinking age is ‘incentivized’ by a loss of federal funding.

By all reports I’ve read, Watson was almost entirely cut out of the movie and that’s why she’s refusing to do press. Would you say that’s a fair statement?

I’m getting Donny Trump Jr. vibes.

They’re not Senators...sooo in what capacity exactly do you think they would be voting on?


I gave my family figurative lumps of coal (gift cards to Kohls) one year. I’ve never received a gift nor talked to some of them ever since.

$3 is completely fine if you want to wait a few hours for a game to install and download the required day 1 patches to even begin playing it.

Does this mean “This Week in Meghan McCain” is canceled too?

5 ad breaks in a resignation letter.

Beautiful Screens LLC locking down the not-porn and confederacy screensavers for all the righteous in the bible belt.

It’s not the same without $kaycog.

Because he doesn’t use a computer. It’s all printed out for him:

That ass is...unattractive. Although, the more I look at it and the wide tires the more I think the aspect ratio is just off in the photo.

That’s not new:

I setup a pihole recently just for the iOS devices on my network. It’s much better now, and it runs as a docker VM on my media server. Took an hour to setup, and it took longer than it should because I’m using docker on Windows.

This all breaks down when you realize that your spouses earnings are your earnings when married, so when filling out a request for credit putting ‘0' when married is beyond ill-informed.

Beans. Coffee beans.