
And, of course... The ad under the article is "Childrens Hospital" on adult swim.

Right you are... The part of the puzzle that makes this unlikely is the genius who stole the machine... Apparently, if he's logging onto facebook, he's giving the person his name, unknowingly. I imagine it wouldn't be too hard to track this fool down, go over to his place, and call 911 and demand someone arrive.

PdaNet doesn't require you to be rooted... That's all I used on my Evo before I rooted and installed CyanogenMod 7. I actually like using usb to tether because it keeps your battery charged...

I guess the difference is, I can't think of a single minivan that couldn't blow the doors off of a prius off the top of my head...

"A consumer will never need 24-bit. Ever."

I have to say... This is a an idea I would get behind if our FD in my area asked for a donation to fund this...

@TheOtherHalf: I would imagine that the e-mail sent from the company president would pass through a server before reaching your account... Thus, the original being logged/archived before you could alter it. It does leave quite a trail to send an e-mail in the corporate world because of this fact. Of course, this only

If this was an ongoing problem, the student should have been dropped from the class, or some other form of action taken before the professor reached the point of touching, and probably rising to the point of what is probably legally, assault. Heck, it could probably even throw in assault with a weapon. The "options"

I second that.

@hebrew hammer: I'm quite sure there's other 4G phones on Sprint. I can think of a couple right off the top of my head. The Evo Shift, and Epic... I know the Arrive is due to... well, you know, soon. and that kyrocera monstrocity should be out soon enough... but, Idk if that's 4G or not..

Looks like most of the comments aren't showing up here... Once they're posted, Sam's moving them to the #redesign page... I thought this was about designs we hate?

@MacAttack: When corporations are moving over-seas, perhaps it's a good thing we give them an incentive to stay... Hell, GM isn't even staying once they got the biggest break of them all.. I thought they were opening plants in Mexico...

@jbboehr: You'd be surprised how often liberals call into the shows... They think they'll be able to prove them wrong or something... Interesting time.

@armerad: That was the point, it gets deleted... but how fast?

@pmankow: If you're using an ad-blocker, it's no wonder the site's not working... It's 98% ads.

Ever wonder why there's a limit to the amount of time you can record high def video on cameras that doesn't relate to memory?

I understand some organizations feel the need to change things for the sake of being "current"... But this redesign, speed challenges aside, is a step in the wrong direction. Yes, the old site could have probably done with some updating... But, that's just what I would have asked for. Updating. Re-inventing the wheel

@Barion: Ohh... I assumed this was during a commercial break or something of the sort. My bad. I wouldn't know why he would be in trouble for releasing footage that was available over the air.

@Barion: between segments, meaning they weren't on-air? kinda like off-air?