
@Zordon: I'm going to take a guess and say this was an off-air cut. He was probably fired for raiding the archives.

@MasterYong: Unless he had gone out of contract and was on a month-to-month basis... They're not bound by much in that case.

@ian.g.case: It's Sprint's network Virgin goes through...

@pekosROB: I can live without a wireless tether... I tether my EVO using usb and pdanet. Keeps the phone charged and the laptop connected at a really decent speed.

@ian.g.case: With Sprint, I rarely get those kinds of speeds... And since VM is running exclusively on Sprint's network, I can't imagine why they would have any problems either. Unless of course, they throttle VM customers to give more bandwidth to the contracted Sprint customers.

I used to live in Nixa, MO... My dad worked in the offices for Kraft in Springfield. He was regularly in the caves. Never thought I'd see a story about it, though.

@Giorgio Anselmi: It definitely relies on local 3G. It may say whispernet, but it's just a contract with a local provider to provide the service.

@Zubieta: I was being facetious, but since you didn't actually look it up... alright, I'll go with that.

@The5thElephant: Oh yes, my savior has brought health care and repealed DADT while we're in the middle of a war (that he promised would end a while ago).

@The5thElephant: Really? I'd like to see the numbers to back that up...

@izzor: That's something... My tC stops as 127, governed. I just installed some larger overall diameter tires, but I can't attest to the speed difference that might net me.

Okay guys (and gals)… I’ve been waiting for a post like this for a little while…

@JCs doing this instead of working.: If these people are so poor that they can't afford the LUXURY of high speed internet, they definitely don't need cable television... I'm sorry, but if you're poor, and need more money, why are you spending the little you have on such things as internet and television? If you really

@roninmodern: If the government wants to subsidize this... That's one thing (I'm still against it, but, it's a different animal). But, from what I understand, they're not subsidizing this, they're forcing them to offer these things at these prices.

@icu32: That's where I'm at with this...

@Mikel: And dangerous... Studies have found that longer yellow lights reduce accidents.

@SerialThriller: In Wisconsin, it's legal to run the red light if you've waited 2 cycles and there's no cars crossing. It's due to exactly what you suspected. You may not be sitting directly over a sensor, or the sensor may be calibrated for much higher metal content... or, any number of other factors.