
Anyone hear what they're making Comcast do with this whole merger deal? $10 broadband, and sell netbooks for $150 to the people on welfare and such..

@jinushaun: I'm a swiftkey user myself... And, I'm coming from an Evo. Great combination, imo.

Okay, so I have an Evo.. There's only one thing that really bothers me enough to comment about... I travel between a few cities pretty often... There's one place where there's about a minute of a dead zone. I know to get off the phone and everything before I hit this spot, it's really not a huge deal.. But when I

@kelz: I'm with you... In the same exact boat. But, on the other hand, I've started using tasker and other apps that never made it to the pre, and I'm loving them... If they're going to come out with something like that on the pre, along with the better hardware... I'd be back in an instant. Well, that and the app

@dennis_k85: If it's HTC, you should try handcent. It replaces the "messaging" app, and is much better... I hated the slideshow crap, and you couldn't turn it off.. It always downscaled the images... Sucked. Handcent fixes that.

@delos: No, no... You've got that one backwards... The police are crying that they're on camera in public places.

@OreoExplosion: at the end, the videos that pop up along the bottom of the youtube window... far right is a evo vs shift video... Surprising outcome, by the way...

I have the EVO on Sprint and love it... That said, you should really check with people in your area about coverage... Invite friends to your house based on who they have cell service through...

@Kurt Roithinger: Sounds about right... If this feature was used like it was intended, I'm sure many publishers wouldn't have as much of a problem with it.

I don't usually use "widget" tasks... I use "shortcut" tasks. I figure it uses even just a tiny bit less battery, it's worth it.

@x219c: Until now, I mean.

I'm sure this is the kind of thing that kept Amazon from adding this feature in the first place...

@saltboy: Funny how that works when people fail to see parallels between the real world and... well, anything else.

@SixSpeed5: That off duty police officer who drew down on a rider taking a video...

@saltboy: I actually thought that was really funny, even without the added explanation... Perhaps if people read it before they jumped up and down calling people trolls, they'd understand.

@bombastinator: I hate to rain on everyone's parade, but there are numerous CDMA networks around the WORLD... Korea and North America may be best known, but they're far from being the only ones...

Someone so (supposedly) smart who is stupid enough not to have a backup... Or in this case, I'd imagine at least 3 backups for this type of data. Wow. Just wow.

I use superbrightleds.com for my LED needs....

@KyleUndefined: I guess I was just lead to assume you were coming back less and less due to the stories about horrible service... From there, I jumped to the conclusion that you must believe it's not really a problem, since you can't stand the stories.