
@Markarian: Great movie... Enjoy that one every time... Kaiser-Soze!

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Funny, consumer reports pretty much confirms this... Looks pretty suspicious to me. :-P

@GeeHalen: I really hope they don't make it too arcady... I can't stand it when racing games have physics engines made for kids. Make it fun, but realistic.

@silvermoonstar3: I've been having the same problem. I have all of the settings, but they've either disabled remote access, or there's something wrong... They don't use their own exchange servers, they're using the outlook.com servers to host the e-mail... You have to use pod5100.outlook.com or something like that,

@geistkoenig: I'm just thinking that this looks like an organized event... If the pilot had radioed his/her intent to land (the only real reason you should be that close to a runway), they would have cleared the way... There were people there with radios for this exact purpose. If you're jacking around and decide to

@geistkoenig: So, a high-speed low-level fly-by is "normal"? I thought those were frowned upon, especially with crowds around. Unless, of course, you're participating in some type of air show.

@abates25: Maybe because this one device happened to be primarily a cellular telephone. And it just so happened that this cellular telephone would not perform it's main job function with the defect it shipped with. It could have also had something to do with there not being a software fix to eliminate the problem.

@Grays: I have an Evo and I'm tethered via pdaNet. No rooting required. All you have to do is turn on usb debugging. The bluetooth tethering doesn't work, as the profile's not installed, but usb keeps the evo charged while surfing.

@oholiab: The Epic will have both 3G and 4G. Actually, the 4G is a separate radio, whereas the 3G and "talk" radios are the same chip. This means you can talk and use the 4G radio at the same time. This, of course, doesn't help you though. There's still not much of a CDMA ("talk"/3G) network in your part of the world.

@atrus123: Wait a month. It'll still be there.

@FrankenPC: You can take them home for 30 days and return them... Not only that, but if you're having problems in your home, they make a micro-cell that plugs into your router to (basically) make a tower in your home. No more dropped calls.

@bdkennedy1002: I drive a Scion and I refuse to put a front plate on... Now, my car's nothing near a Mercedes, but I can see where your friend's coming from. I just paid 25k for a car, why would I drill holes in the front bumper? Besides that, I have a clear-bra on my car. Drilling into that could cause it to lift in

@skyhawkmatthew: The big four carriers in the US are AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, and T-Mobile. With a slight revision, they can get it to T-Mobile (with 3G). And, if they release a CDMA revision, they not only get Verizon, they get Sprint. Of course, I'm forgetting all of the much smaller regional carriers like Cellcom

@Liam loves his Dell Latitude: I'm sure Sprint would make an exception to get one of the hottest selling OSs/Phones on their network. Though, it's interesting to look at their Blackberry lineup. Seems like it's the same on most carriers.

FPS will benefit from this innovation, if only in a small way... Think about it. You're taking a squad and want to signal them to go left and right. You raise your hand from your controller and give a sign, much like a real person would, and off they go... Or, driving games... You pull into the pits and you wave your

@tomsomething: They're not confused about the language. That's not what I'm saying at all... I think given three options, people would make the right choice:

@tomsomething: I'm not saying they do now, but they should. This would almost end the debate... They voted to deny the term "marriage". If given the chance, most people would grant the rights of marriage if they were separated from the term marriage.

@tomsomething: Not exactly, you're allowed to go and get "married" just like every heterosexual. You aren't being discriminated against, it's this way for everyone... if someone who was previously married wanted to marry another person of the same sex, they're not allowed to do this either. You are having more rights

@tomsomething: Make it part of the law. "This union will bear any right or responsibility of those who are married. The terms union and marriage are hereby interchangeable for all legal purposes."