
@92BuickLeSabre: They are being treated the SAME. Neither group is allowed to go and "marry" one of the same sex... Why not have some other term for their unions (civil unions, or whatever), give them equal rights to those who are "married" and call it a day?

@SuperMoose: To sum up the other side: The reason it isn't wanted is because of religious beliefs. And, it's not taking their right to marry away, they can go and get married if they so choose, they just can't marry the same sex. This is the same for everyone, not just homosexuals.

@Mark 2000: I've had success finding novels... Admittedly, I've found an overwhelming amount of fantasy novels, but I've found mystery stuff too. It just takes quite a bit of digging. I found torrents with 4+gb's of books... A lot of books. Once you find an author you like, buy their books from the reader store to get

@MaQ: I'd bet this is all server side records. Otherwise it wouldn't show up at all... The real question is if someone's right at the 2GB mark, and their iPhone connects at night and downloads/uploads this stuff, are they going to send you into the next tier for the month? I'd imagine they probably will, and in this

@Mark 2000: Well... There are a few good torrents out there... That's where I got some of mine. Of course, that's if I'm not renting them from the library.

@Mark 2000: If it weren't for Sony's ability to use rented books from libraries, I'd be using a Kindle too. Not to mention, books compatible with Sony's readers are really easy to find online -cheap.

@Mark 2000: I disagree... Most layman won't know what the heck dpi stands for. They'll just know... well... retina... and whatever else Apple decides to tell them. I think they're better off staying away from dpi altogether. State the resolution, size and color depth and be done with it. Most layman won't care what

@blehbleh13: Beyond having software "available" for nearly anything... It also syncs which page you're on... Whispernet (forgive me if you already know this, but I'm sure someone new to e-readers will find it interesting). You open a book on your kindle, leave the house and go to an appointment... Find out you have to

@mjt308: They sell them at Target... You may be able to snag one there if they haven't pulled them from the shelves.

@steveyy: I too used a pre, and while I miss the inductive charging, it obviously wasn't a deal breaker... I'm using an Evo now, and the expanded app selection easily negates the wireless charging. That said, if they came out with a commercial inductive charger for the evo, I'm buying it.

@BadPlasmid: Fair enough. If you had a unibody MBP, it was multi-touch. I am on an older 2.4ghz MBP that has a multi-touch trackpad... The only time I really have any problem with it is when I play games.

@BadPlasmid: I almost wonder if you had a multi-touch MBP... Of course, for some purposes a mouse can't be beaten... But for general use, these trackpads are phenomenal.

@LTMP: I don't think that's exactly what they're saying... Just that SLCD is good enough to hold off until they can catch up with demand. With the current ship-rate, they won't be able to fulfill orders because of the AMOLED shortages.

@Platypus Man: Exactly... I doubt this has identifiable information, and if it does, it's not important... They're planning on implementing this in more than just clothing... They're planning to put this in ALL products in the store. (possibly not food products) They are going to have it in all boxes to keep track of

@atrus123: I happen to like having physical media. I don't enjoy losing, or having to restore from a "cloud" massive amounts of data when a hard drive fails. Movies are easy to lend when they're on DVD or BluRay. Disks are easy to store, easy to get rid of, easy to move, and easy to load data from. While you can

@Matthew Hall: You do know that paying the $30 enables tethering through the sprint hotspot app, right? I can't think of any other reason you'd pay $30 "extra", since this phone requires an everything data plan.

@AlphaJarmel: You want the proof? I see that the Xbox gamers, by and large are not competing against PC gamers... There's the proof. If it was a level playing field, you can be sure they'd expand into such a lucrative market. I remember on the dreamcast when you could play against PC or Mac gamers on 4x4 Evo. That was

I don't know if it matters, but the batman anthology is imported from the UK.