
Coconut Mall. No question.

I really do hope you’re not serious. The safety standards at Pikes Peak are essentially non-existent, and at times on par with early 1970's safety with an intermittent guard rail placed somewhere. The blinding speed of Formula 1 paired with the obscenely more technical nature of Pikes Peak would almost assuredly end

“other than the bad taste left after the tire fiasco last time there”

“B-but it worked in Forza Horizon 3!” -That guy, probably.

I was on the crappy side of Reddit throughout much of the election, and the “looming” threat of WW3 was mentioned often as a negative for Hillary.

Ironic that people voted for Trump so Hillary “wouldn’t start WW3" as Trump proceeds to start WW3.

Hey, me from a couple weeks ago, don’t crank your wheel immediately over to the right when pulling into the driveway. You’re going to hit the tree when you’re reversing. Also remember to look over your right shoulder when crossing a bike lane. That’ll make you fail. Also do your homework. It might make me right now in

I tried my best to click out a potential Austin track. The stretch of road connected by the red and green needles is the start-finish straight, and the road next to it would be the pitlane. It probably needs more chicanes, because that’s the Formula E things, but this is what I could do: http://routebuilder.org/238s.

The Ultimate Sounds

I saw a Gemballa Mirage GT casually driving around LA one time.

The F2012 and F14T are excusable on the ground of the noses in both of those years being incredibly stupid. The 312 B3, however, has no excuse. That’s ugly right there.

The F2012 was a result of really dumb rules for the front noses, and that wasn’t a design choice. You really can’t blame Ferrari for what happened in 2012.

I’m on the ship of #MercyAndLiterallyAnyoneElseExceptGenji. I’m going through a bit of a rough patch right now.

“Toyota has never, ever made a good ad”


Methinks someone hasn’t played Overwatch yet.

With that logic wouldn’t it be called the Project Three? And if they’re being really technical, they could call it the Project Five for the Driver’s Champions they have.

Man, with all the horses in this thread, we’re gonna need a Ranchero to round them all up.