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Whether or not you like the meme or not, Uganda Knuckles isn’t a racist meme. Imitating an accent does not mean someone is pretending to be dominant over another race. This is an excellent video on the topic.

Admittedly I have not researched it. When I think of women’s involvement during the World Wars I tend to recall them being mostly support staff in field hospitals and such. Combat medics and such.

I’m the only one who shows Bomberman the respect it deserves.

To be fair, that’s all it really has needs as a selling point.

You know, when people disagree with you it doesn’t always mean it’s because you’re right and you hit a nerve.

Shutup idiot

Imagine Salem Media converting all their sites into operatives seeking to take down a Democrat ruler like Obama or Hillary. How far away would the shrieks of outrage be heard - Pluto, the next galaxy over or the far side of the Universe?

Well, you guys have officially tipped your hat. No more journalism here, just pure politics. I’ll get my gadget news elsewhere.

I’m super super OH MY FUCKING GOSH excited for this game. I thought he was hilarious. He puts on the persona intentionally, you can tell pretty easily.