
Wait unless i am reading this wrong did your really say that you do not feel any sympathy towards Asians in America who have deal with racist ignorant white people because that is fucked up. Also what you experienced was not racism but xenophobia.

Also what the author said about Anne Frank was so offensive:

Whoops i meant to write center-right and it is sad that there is no left-wing in the US (well i would consider the Greens to be left wing), i live in the UK now and it was so odd to see that so many Conservative Politicians were pro- Obama and thought that Romney was too right-wing.

The Republicans have always been vile but in quite a few countries they would be considered far-right wing, we need to start calling them far-right wing. It is scary how much power and support they still have and it does affect the Democrats because they are no longer a left-wing party, they are center- left wing.

There is nothing wrong with optimism but we as Americans take it too far and most of the time the optimism is mixed with over the top patriotism.

As an American sometimes i wish that we were not so optimistic, after Obama was elected there was so much optimism which translated into the phrase "post-racial" and that really has harmed us when comes to dealing with racism (the amount of people who view black people negatively has increased since Obama became

It is fucking sad that America really is going backwards when it comes to women.

He that when he was teenager (the only sexist thing i could find was that they didn't deserve the same amount of money and it didn't have a source for it), he really has changed and doesn't routinely talk like that anymore.

I do not think that they really hate him, most of them are joking and do admire how far he come in life after surviving Dumblane. It is typical British humor to hate on him for being Scottish (like this site http://www.isandymurraystillbritish.com/).

Why the hell are you being so rude?, i was just pointing out that what he has done is on a completely different level.

Well Andy was coached by his mother, plus to hire a female coach when he is at the peak of his career (he is the Fifth best tennis player in the world) is unprecedented.

Also i am not surprised that he hired a female coach because unlike many sexist tennis players he has always praised female tennis players and never looked down on them, plus all these sexist idiots forget that his mother used to train him.

The people who are pissed are in the minority even on the Daily Fail the top rated comments were positive.

But the problem is that he is the one pushing for Drones so that excuse does not work, if a Republican was doing what he has done a lot of "faux liberals" would be calling him out. Also his decisions have not benefited "the citizens of the World". I am over people like you that make excuses for him or derail the

He is a good president (i wish that he was more liberal) but his foreign policy is barbaric, his love for drone strikes (recently there was a story in which a 4 year old had most of her face blown off and was kidnapped by US soldiers ) is disgusting. So i hope history is harsh on him and US population for being

Anyone that blinds an old man in the eye is a vile asshole (he was actually trying to kill him just because he was Vietnamese and 45 days is far too short) , he has not even apologized to him. Your excuses are pathetic and who gives a shit about what Boston was like in 80s and 90s it does not excuse his behavior.

Not that long, but the Republicans (and idiots like you) think that we have to wait years to be seen.

You really are an asshole, making them feel guilty is not going to help.

Why would anyone love her she is a racist asshole.

Ugh not again, also there was a shooting this weekend but most of the US press has ignored it, two people were shot and they were both gay and not white (we all know the reason why it was ignored, the US media is not even subtle at this point).