
Or maybe they took it from Final Fantasy XIV. Dun Dun duhhh

FFXIV takes a lot of inspiration from other mediums for its music and quest design, no one seemed to really have a problem with that until now, then again this is propably the first time anyone has mentioned powerman 5000 in 10 years, and it might hurt their sales of 7 mp3s per year.

Considering Powerman 5000 claim to be from the future, I’m absolutely shocked that they didn’t already know about this.

He will still have his followers defending his vapid egotistical viewpoint that comes with the territory of inconsequential indignity. How dare the developer have a human response to his pre judgemental pronouncement to the world.

Is it true that if you stroke TotalBiscuit’s ego enough, he personally visits you to thrust his opinions down your throat?