
I died of dysentery.

Yep, because that is exactly what we need, a further dehumanizing of the interactions between the police and someone who rolled through a stop sign. That will get people trusting the police again!!!

Maybe, just maybe if the police didn’t act so god damned paranoid all the time at treat people as I dunno, PEOPLE instead

You’d think any company in the data mining/analysis business with “Cambridge” in their name would have thought to take a good hard look at re-branding recently.

I don’t want to point any greasy fingers, but......

That’s why you have to trick them.


Put it in a giant bag of rice when you’re done with the soak and it should be a-okay!

Ok you’ve got me.

Or we could work harder on educating pedestrians to not walk out into the road without looking, keep a closer eye on their kids, and have cyclists and bikers keep to the fucking edge of the road.

*Siiiiiigh*  Just take your damn star and go...

Broke the barrier.  No longer Virgin.

This would never work with Android friends - they’re too used to seeing non-working emojis because they’re several unicode releases behind. What’s the trick to convince Samsung / LG / Sony to put out security patches quicker?

Exceptional reading comprehension

Hang on! People use Tumblr for non-porn reasons?

They were the 4th biggest bankruptcy. Lehman Brothers was larger by a factor of 7.5. WAMU was bigger by a factor of 3.6. 

Taxes are used to fund the government. The more taxes you cut, the less money they have to operate. Do you need a link to the economy and American government 101 or can you use google?

Stanced cars are the face tattoo of the motoring world.

Never got one.. so I’m screwed when the Purge begins, aren’t I?

The current ones look bland as hell. Busy is what’s selling nowadays - evidenced by the Camry outselling the Accord because Honda went conservative and Toyota went full busy. Drives worse, slower, but still sells better. Also, lines don't have to line up when they're part of a polygon...why don't you try that with any

What are thooooose?!? 😆