
It’ll justify the 40k plus a year that an entry level government worker with that kind of security clearance makes. Cause it can’t just be an intern, if there is classified information on the servers only someone with clearance to view that information can read it.

Mostly you’d search for key words or phrases using a script. 99% of the stuff will be uninteresting trash and people, for the most part, don’t speak in code in emails they think will never become public.

With as little snark as possible, hasn’t Naya Rivera been pregnant for a million years at this point? Is she gestating an elephant?

Good to know, I’m looking for cheap flights to DC for next month and was seriously considering Frontier. Southwest lets you check two bags, is this a good idea or will I just lose two bags worth of my stuff?

You mean the Apricot_Poodle who lives down the street from me and works for Schmelta Airlines isn’t this Apricot_Poodle? I was really hoping we could be friends based on our shared love of Flygirl. :(

That’s the rumor which is hopefully soon confirmed.

Oh Sweet Baby Jesus! Please let us know if it’s got the full monty and is worth ordering online or if I should just watch episode by episode like a plebe.

From the mouth of Brits!

The rumor I had heard was that the British version had the full sexy times with more nudity and stuff but it’s possible that’s a lie. Did you order if from the BBC or does it have PBS branding? I’ll be sad if it’s a lie, I want to see Aiden Turner’s butt. :D #noshame

I am, but PBS apparently cuts out the juicy stuff that Americans are so offended by and Brits appreciate. So closer to Outlander style sexy times that the fade to black we’re getting here.

Alright, anyone know where to get the full length version of this show in a US playing DVD format? Because I can’t stand knowing there’s sexy times being withheld from me. Aiden Turner sexy times.

Yeah I started out trying to be facetious but then I really wanted to find out what happens in the end.

The motorcycle club is really a shifter club (ala Anita Blake’s the Killing Dance). Your shifter step-brother was infected while backpacking through the jungles of Brazil or Malaysia or something where he was doing humanitarian work. The heroine and her step-brother have been estranged for awhile or out of touch

Until you’re 25 you can get one at Children’s Hospital in Westminster (probably the other ones too) and they go through everything before they give you the IUD. I know that does nothing for guys, but ladies get the whole spiel first.

Mirena. The insertion was a bummer, don’t plan on doing anything after, the whole dilating and then undilating of the cervix hurt for me and I made the mistake of going to a study session after instead of laying on a couch with a hot water bottle and Netflix. Past that, no pills, light periods, all the joy.

Does this mean the state house has decided that IUDs don’t cause abortions? Yay!

Fortunately, Demelza is 100,000,000 X better than Elizabeth.

This show fills the Outlander void left in my heart. I only wish it was on HBO.

My parents got civil unioned in Denmark in the 80’s. They wore jeans, sweat shirts, sneakers and shook hands at the end of the ceremony. If I ever find a Mr. Murphys I hope to do the same.

Be that guy, fulfill your destiny.