What of those jokes were in-jokes? Or do you mean in to black people? Cause I feel like this is stuff we try to tell people and no one believes us.
What of those jokes were in-jokes? Or do you mean in to black people? Cause I feel like this is stuff we try to tell people and no one believes us.
There is a plan for a rare earth mine near Upton, Wyoming. I had always been under the impression (I’m a masters student in Mineral & Energy Economics) that they are called rare earths because while crustally abundant, they’re not found in large concentrations.
Whatever is left after crushing, flotation and any other chemical processing. Tiny bits of host rock mixed with chemicals.
Theresa Guidice is doing “as well as she could,” in prison says sister-in-law Melissa George.
I’m lucky (?) enough that neither of my sisters have married but we’re shit at giving each other presents.
Tangent: I hate scheduled gift giving/ receiving. I love to give presents when I stumble upon something I think you’ll love, but other than that? Nope. I’d much rather I spend my money on me, you spend your money on you and we’re all happy with the shit we own.
I love the things people/ organizations try to claim they’re not liable for. My mom used to cross out the liability statement on all of our permission slips for school and no one ever called her on it.
I know! It’s gonna be on TV! How great is that?!
No, it’s on TV, doesn’t cost anything extra!
This is always what comes to mind when teens talk about how no one understands how hard it is for them.
If you do have an adult cat, def. get a kitten instead of another adult cat. At least with a kitten, your older cat has a sense of dominance (though in my guy's case it was totally imagined).
The people who run shelters are often the reason people go to the pet store! When my parents got a cat back in aught four, maybe aught five, the rescue asked my dad if they could come do a home visit. I think he said sure and then ignored their phone calls.
Preach to the sexlessness! I've got friends who are always whining about all the guys chasing them. Shut up, I don't care, I haven't had sex in 27 months, I spend half of my money on batteries, shut up.
unless a judge determined she was not competent, mentally ill people can make choices.
Taraji Henderson
the unfiltered rage that ishould "we're in the same department. I know you check your phone obsessively. I know we're friends. Why do you compulsively ignore my texts?" I've got no problem with you not wanting to do something, I'm trying to schedule my Life.
More Matthew Goode! I was so irritated when they gave him five minutes and then he was gone!
Igloo Australia's Fancy. Can't stand her, find her music by and large to be crap, know all the words to that song.
Ugh, someone suggested Ben Wa balls to me once because she was unsatisfied with my sex life. Like, mind your own vagina, woman.
OMG I need some! I'm 24, never been pregnant (that I know of) and I pee constantly. Laugh - pee. Sneeze - pee. Run - pee. Move - pee. I'm sitting on the couch writing this and I'm a little concerned I might pee.