needed a quick burner on vacay without my key

Yeah. I’m still bereft that we won’t have a First Gentleman and it won’t be Bill :(

I think it’s more likely that she’s just an asshole.

Maybe. But she’s 23. It’s not as if she’s without agency at that point.

But she was a model before. She was ALL ABOUT fame. And she milked the wedding and marriage for fame and adulation with no qualms whatsoever.

I agree with you completely, except for the “usually” - First Spouses are ALWAYS women. :/

I don’t have sympathy for Tiffany. If she hates it so much there, she should do something about it. She’s an adult and can leave if she wants. She could change her name and exit gracefully.

I think he’ll just pull a Palin and quit.

Ask the media. Suddenly they don’t have as much of a boner for Hillary’s emails it seems. Yet they don’t think THESE emails are too interesting. One must ask oneself: why?

Why can’t some of these aging rockers at least TRY to look dignified in their aging process? They keep the same hairstyle and hair color and “fashion” forever, and it looks awful.

Oh yeah I agree. It is pretty obvious but it’s interesting to see how far he’s gonna go with it before saying something totally fucking stupid (see below) showing that he knows zippity do dah about shit.

Ok, yeah perfect so anytime we need to pay for something we can “just raise taxes by .xx” to pay for it. That is exactly how it works! We just call the IRS and say “yo, we need cash, tick up the tax rate” and they go “okey doke!” and press a button, raising all of our taxes. Oh, my god! This is so easy! Why didn’t we

And which is it? 16 or 18? Which arbitrary number makes him magically accountable for the things he chooses to do?

So if a ten year old tortures animals we have to wait until he’s 18 to think he’s trash? Have fun with that. I am not in agreement.

Absolutely I think it would cost more than that. I am not going to pretend to know exactly how the Secret Service would have to handle that situation but it’s not just their money, it’s local cops, local businesses, public trans, etc. that is affected.

How old does he have to be before we decide that his fuck-ups are worth mocking? Honest question.

Let’s pull in the economics argument. Unplanned costs have to come from somewhere. You think $.33 per American is no big deal (I think your estimate of how much things like this cost is really fucking low but OK, let’s go with it). I say that a hundred million dollars can do a hell of a lot of good to some other

Are you fucking serious? Yes this will cost us a lot. Most things don’t look expensive when you divide them between taxpayers but this isn’t how taxes work and that is not how budgets work.

Definitely the cats

So how long do we have to wait? Until he’s 16? 18? I mean to point out that he’s trash like the rest of the family. Do you think Eric is innocent? When did he stop being innocent?

Well he is a male so of course he’s not going to get it at all.