needed a quick burner on vacay without my key

I theorize that people don’t really have magnetism, per se, but it’s just the attention from others that makes it seem like they do.

There is no fucking way that that overdyed tyrant would let his wife and kid speak a foreign language around him. So he’s not bothered at all.

I felt bad for Ivana until I saw that interview with her and I realized that every single last one of these people are garbage and deserve zero sympathy for anything at all.

Oh fuck yes she did sign on for this. She signed on to squeeze every last dime and every possible iota of attention out of the experience that she possibly could and this will just make her gold digging dreams come more true than she ever imagined.

Oh, fuck that piece of shit family.

It’s just a rumor. Personally I a) don’t believe it and b) don’t care even if it is true. The family is trash. Just because he’s young doesn’t mean he’s not going to follow in the footsteps of every single one of his siblings straight into the trash pile.

Oh come on. There’s really nothing off limits. We know that body shaming is bad and making fun of looks is bad but few folks have issues doing it to Donald and robot Melania. I know I don’t. Personally I don’t want to hear his inane list of excuses for doing things he just flat out wants to do and is just using his

Us. Definitely us. Fucking dipshit Donald doesn’t even pay taxes, so it’s definitely us.

Pffffft they didn’t give a flying fuck about that during this goat rope of a campaign did they?

And we are all going to fucking pay for it out of our own pockets as taxpayers.

Her new lips make me very sad.

I am really confused as to how anyone could think that being frozen AFTER THEY DIE might result in them coming back to life.

I think he’s not as good, decent, and intelligent as you thought

I think that if anyone who dislikes where Republicans are taking things are still a Republican, they can make some significant changes to themselves before I’m going to take their little groups seriously at all.

Oh yes I’ll be sure to wear my very best white conical hat in an effort to show that I’m open to their ideas and way of thinking.

I call and write my reps on the regular. They are both republicans. AT BEST I get a form letter that doesn’t address my questions at all.

I have not found that to be exactly true. People who work for assholes are a lot more likely to be assholes themselves, even in government.

He is quite literally the one who dog-whistled a lie to the compliant press and sent this story spiraling out of control to fuck up the results of the election, all while doing the thing that he is attacking Hillary Clinton for (the use of private email for government business).

I just think that’s her gross face unless she IS sticking her tongue out which is EVEN MORE GROSS.

I couldn’t see that coverage because it was absolutely BURIED in coverage of Hillary Clinton’s boring-ass, polite af emails to and from her staff.