needed a quick burner on vacay without my key

I really believe that most of the media backed way down on Trump because of financial ties or being paid off or being racist, sexist fucks, or whatever. At best, at VERY BEST, they prioritized clicks and Internet traffic over the well-being of our country.

I’m gonna have a real hard time feeling sorry for media representatives considering the media’s behavior in this election cycle. Specifically, elevating Clinton’s boring emails to the top headlines, five lines deep every single day, without actually doing investigation about the issue, while devoting maybe one

I would still have my Clinton/Kaine stickers on my truck, but I never could even put them on because the conservatives around my area are so damn frightening. I was pretty sure I’d be hurt or my truck attacked, and my dog is usually in it so I couldn’t risk that.

Oh. Gotcha. Sorry. There’s a chance I could be slightly reactionary these days

It makes me enraged to watch the kowtowing to dipshit Iowa every election cycle.

I commented that people were being WAY too gentle here so, bravo to you. “don’t repeat the racism and it will die” is probably the most naive thing I’ve heard in...I dunno. A while.

People in the comments are being WAY too gentle with you.

I think that’s just her terrible lipstick job

Oh, fuck yourself raw and stop posting this exact same comment on every single Bernie article. I’ll even get you a Bernie blowup doll and you can fuck THAT raw. Jesus.

Whoa. Facts. Poor James won’t know what to do with those.

Nobody cares about emails either.

Also psssst.....he couldn’t even win a primary

Right, because white america loves socialist Jews as much as it loves women.

Oh I’m more of an atheist now than I ever was. There is no god, there can’t be for this to happen.

I hope you are right because I think we are going to end up with President Pence.

I was going to slam you for your naivete but I realize you are grasping at the most hopeful of the hopeless straws so I will give you a hug instead.

It really needs to sink into your head that you DO know white people who have voted for Trump. You DO know them. You do.

I don’t know who they are either, in my life, but I am making it my damn MISSION to find out. Half of the women are complicit. 2/3 of the men. Root them out. Make them understand the error of their ways and by that I mean absolutely demolish their belief systems. Don’t fool yourself that you don’t know any of these

Pretty sure your “objection” is spurious.

Oh, GOD how do these fucktards get out of the greys? How? How?