
That one’s supposedly average boyfriend was also the best looking of the men in the article.

The one that got me was the 23 year old woman working in PR who said “As a person who’s always been complimented on [my] ‘stunning beauty’ … I’d been searching for a ‘hot’ guy to match the label I had always been given,” says Young. “But after a date or two, they’ll have problems hanging out with you and then will

His definition of “full head of hair” is pretty loose.

Fant4stic is everyone’s punching bag. Even the WB must look to that film and say “Well, at least we weren’t that.”

Dude, have you met Europe? Europe doesn’t want these people.

Why is it always the ugly, beedy eye looking motherfuckers the ones who think they’re the superior people? Like that meme with the toothless hicks waving the confederate flag at some rally in Washington telling POC that whites sre superior. Those Walmart people couldn’t look more inbred and trashy.

Imagine you create a master race of humans and make them look like Steve King, David Duke, and Donald Trump. Your branding game is way fucking off.

...So Steve King’s vision of America is one where we all look like Steve King? Hard pass.

That is an interesting point, although the demographics for IMDB heavily lean young and male, and their scoring disproportionately impacts female-focused shows and films.

If you’re willing to be the back half of a moose, I’ve got a plan...

Even more than I fear Trump is my fear that we won’t be able to put things back together once he’s not president.

Obama seems to be the only one left who believes in both American liberalism and the existence of a populace who also believes in it.

Pretty much this. If you’d said to the Founders, “The thing you’re making will last more than two centuries, then some guy you consider three-fifths of a person will get two terms, then everybody who freaked out about that will rally behind a psychotic orange goblin who is basically a figurehead of a foreign power and

One barista wrote “Turnip” on the cup.

Dear Trump supporters - please boycott my vacation fund next.

Some friends and I were talking about this over dinner tonight. People legitimately hate Trump and Pence more than W. are far as we can tell. W. himself was harassed quite a bit. So Trump and Pence are going to face quite the reckoning. Also, unlike the Obamas or the Bushes I can’t see Trump listening to the secret

Don’t forget that as governor of Indiana—THIS FUCKING YEAR—he signed a bill (thankfully thrown out by a human being of a judge) that would require women to hold funerals for fetuses not carried to term. HE’S A MONSTER!

Mike Pence has been an anti-LGBTQ hate monger for years and just won an election on a campaign based on that same hate mongering.

We had a good, decent man as President for eight years and didn’t appreciate him.