
The House Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives.

You can bet your ass if the wife or daughter of any of these fuckwads investigating Dr. Hern needed an abortion, late term or otherwise, they’d have nine million excuses why it was okay for them, just not the rest of us.

Someone explain to me one thing from the last 8 years that indicates Michelle isn’t a “classy lady”....???

“I feel so it’s unfortunate that people still have these racist undertones,” he said.

I feel like this criticism, while maybe not entirely invalid, is going to great lengths to make perfect the enemy of the good.

Jezebel writers criticizing someone who did nothing wrong? Things really are starting to get back to normal around here.

You know Gawker went under, right Rich? No need for snarking on a reasonable guy saying mostly admirable things anymore. Being shitty for no reason turned out not to be edgy or cool, just a dick move.

Maybe I’m missing something, but I feel like this post is a weird attempt to take issue with Falahee’s statement despite the fact that there is nothing wrong with it.

I’m already reconciling myself to the likelihood that I won’t see another President like Obama (or another First Family like the Obamas) in my lifetime (for reference, I’m only 33, but still....) I feel as though he restored dignity and grace to the Oval Office, and somehow kept remarkable cool during circumstances

You know what?

I’m so sick of everybody. 2020 better be fucking wonderful, with good representatives of each party having some kind of discussion about policy and without the tinge of ick we’ve become so used to.

This is some serious “We are setting up the dramatic season finale” type of shit.

“I’m sick and tired of [the majority of the population]...”

“I’m sick and tired of people like you...”

Yup, and his immediate reaction against any perceived accusation by a woman is to slut shame her.

Jon Hamm is the male Jennifer Aniston: great on TV, can’t carry a film.

I once watched an entire moving wondering what was so off about Jeffrey Dean Morgan, only to find it was this dude. I may have been pretty high at the time too. Maybe.

I don’t know if she does it in every speech, but I love that Michelle does not even deign to mention Trump’s name when she speaks. He’s so contemptible, she refuses to acknowledge him beyond the label “their candidate.” Exquisite.

Palin’s continued slide into deeper and deeper irrelevance has been one of the more profoundly satisfying events of the last 4 years.

Nice joke, Palin. Know what’s funnier? Knowing that Barack Obama is going out as a highly popular President of the US after two terms, while you’re so thoroughly washed out that you can’t even grift conservatives into supporting your Blaze wannabe channel or paying five figures for your speeches anymore.