
I don’t think anyone needs to be arrested over this, but I will say that I personally find it rude and disrespectful to cheer loudly when there’s been a specific request to hold applause until the end. Maybe it would be better if schools just did away with that request, sure, but if that’s what’s asked, then it’s

I agree with the outrage here. I do. But a quarter Asian person will mostly look super white. I know a few, and one in particular has the fairest skin and the blondest hair. My own half-Asian children have curly light brown hair. Genetics, yo. That said, They should have gone half-white, not full white. It was a


That's actually closer to the original Irish spelling than any version with a K.

What you doing in here, Kris? Don’t you have some momaging to do?


Because MRAs care about hating and punishing women, and not much else?

Because MRA fucks have no logic. They bitch and moan about fathers’ rights in custody issues, while simultaneously referring to Swedish men as “beta males” because of progressive policies like the one mentioned above. Seriously, google “Sweden beta”.

I'm still pretty sure that being a poor Muslim migrant is much more preferable in Sweden then most other places.

Pack yourself up and leave, you asshat. I’m not any less an American than you are, just because I would like our country to be a decent place to live.

The thing is with generous social programs is that they pay off in the long run. Affordable daycare=more women in the workforce=more people paying income taxes. I live in a place with fairly generous social programs (long maternity leave, affordable daycare, medicare and free dental for kids under 12). This is purely

Why don’t we ever have the MRAs over here bitching about *this* sort of thing? This seems like a perfect issue for them. Men should get significant time off with their newborns too, and they shouldn’t have to use their vacation time to do it.

once a child reaches their first birthday, they’re guaranteed a place in daycare for a very low fee.

And yet here in the US, we can’t get one single hour of paid maternity leave. Way to go American exceptionalisn, you’ve done it again.

Someone I used to work with married a Swedish woman; he told me that when he retired, he was moving there with her to raise their young son. Dude never looked back.

Well, of course they had to fire her. Pregnancies are contagious, after all.

It’s not just feminism. On the left in general, we are really starting to bicker with each other. A lot of times we see people who are slightly out of sync with our views as our opponents, when they are supposed to be our allies.

I accidentally hit the Reply button to this comment, and this is what I saw. And obeyed.

For me, it was feminists telling cis women that using the words “vagina” and “uterus” while protesting the eradication of abortion rights was “transphobic”.