Hahaha awesome!
Hahaha awesome!
Yeah, I mean I feel like I cut them a lot of slack, but if they can find time to film an extended documentary of Craster's rape house, I'm pretty sure they can find the time to keep in a POV character who happens to be the woman with the most independent power in the whole series (except Dany. But, y'know, dragons.)
I was so fucking happy when I saw the Alexander Siddig announcement - I literally didn't look at the other casting for about 10 minutes because I was so excited. He has been who I wanted to play Doran since I read the book, he's always been who I pictured him as - and I didn't even know he auditioned for the role…
Exactly. I'm normally pretty laid back about the changes they make, but now that we're in the territory where they're making drastic changes that essentially spoil characters' fates... It really sucks.
That is fantastic, well done! (I admit, I had to google what the maximum score is - you are a rock star!)
Luther is REALLY good. British and modern - and most importantly, Idris Elba. And it's on netflix :-)
I'd assumed they might cut out Quentyn or combine his role with Trystane's, since he's probably not going to wind up marrying Myrcella... But like you said, Arianne's potential marriage alliances are really important! I really liked the Viserys reveal - it really shows how much of a serious planner Doran is. And…
Anyone else really sad about the (apparent) exclusion of Arianne Martell in Game of Thrones? I really like her as a character, and I think her arc is important! Someone please share my pain :(
Sure is. Disproportionate pandering to old religious voters - what's not to love?
The Irish government has already flat out said they're not going to go near the abortion issue again while they're in office.
To be fair, they live in LA where I'm sure there are a lot more paparazzi than in London.
This is the most perfect comment.
I live in Ireland and waiters here make minimum approx $12 an hour (without tips). And somehow they manage to provide service that's just as good as American service. And they can actually pay their bills without taking on another job.
Oh, cool! Yeah, abortion was about as badly handled as a subject could be when I was in school. Remember the outrage a couple of years ago when that congressman said you couldn't get pregnant from rape? The first time I heard that was front my junior cert religion teacher :(
Oh man that's the stuff I like about Catholicism! I think the churches are so beautiful. (I do understand the reasoning though, sort of.)
Yeah, in a country that's 85% Catholic it's actually easy enough to go for a long time without realising that Catholicism isn't the only Christianity (assuming you mean teaching in Ireland as opposed to Irish-American areas.)
I just have to ask because I've seen people talk about this on here a few times - how does this "Catholics aren't real Christians" thing work? Is it a purely American thing? Aren't Catholics like... The original Christians?
Oh my god, that's insane. Why didn't she do the same thing with your sister?