Beef Supreme

Your shitty mall crawler being slowed down by protests doesn’t justify endangering the lives of others. You are not that important, and neither is your vanity school bus.

No need to announce your departure. Your comment is nothing except self important noise.

Oh, fuck off with the “pregnant” shit. She’s shaped like the average mediocre American.

And probably still in better shape than your pizza pocket stuffed husk of disappointment. Choke on your own tongue while you sleep.

So, Jalopnik shouldn’t advocate for people buying a vehicle that is appropriate instead of just buying the biggest lump that their monthly payments allows?

By ride height maybe I should have said “seating position”.

So somehow, the C30 avoids the recall? I’m good with that.

My issue is that the “ride height” arms race isn’t sustainable. When everyone is driving something that is tall “so they can see over other cars”, then what happens? Do we start getting entire vehicle lineups built on 3/4 ton platforms?

It’s a brand that has literally built itself on hype and investors. It’s a brand that non-car people would recognize more than most other’s increasingly homogenized product lineup.

He probably vetoed any request for security because he’s so insecure that he thinks his marshmallow spouse would start boffing the guards.

Slam dunk NP.

I’m just here to see the truck apologists rage on as though Erik personally insulted their mall rigs.

You probably shouldn’t accuse others of being uneducated when you’re posting barely literate, stream of consciousness drivel full of spelling mistakes.

I think your foil hat is on a little too tight. It’s clearly affected your brain’s blood flow.

You could have summed up your entire block of text with one word.


Maybe add a few extra o’s for extra impact. Here, let me try.


My god, that tweeted bulletin looks like something out of GTA3.

It’s classified as an SUV, but I put that more the fault of the definitions than I do Kia. There’s nothing about its appearance or driving experience that makes me think it lives up to its classification.

A Soul was the first thing that came to my mind, so I guess Torch is my spirit animal.

“I’ll end up with about twenty grand in my pocket”

$43k and those specs even has Nissan telling themselves that they can do better than this. You’ve got to really like the styling, lore, and driving experience of the Supra to choose this over the other cars in this segment/price range.

This book will not change anybody’s mind, but it will serve as important material for the Democrat campaign, and make sure that news and the late night circuit have a full schedule of material to use all of the way into November. The problems need to stay in the news cycle, especially with the growing concerns that