Bad tank of gas? Is that still a thing?
Bad tank of gas? Is that still a thing?
43 minutes from your post, according to the shitheel sfoop whose comment is just above yours.
They look like extras in a Rob Zombie horror movie. Or Deadites from Evil Dead. They look like they’ve been exhumed.
Or OANN. Imagine the tweets that we’d see from 45.
I admit that it was on TV sometimes when I was a kid. I grew up an hour north of Detroit (Canadian side of the border), and Fox was often on TV.
Fox will pick it back up. It’s squarely aimed at their viewership demographic.
Tells me that they didn’t have their scooters and ebikes charged enough to make it there.
Then again, some of us don’t feel that it takes “guts” to drive a car because of the badge or the perceived cool factor. We don’t all have egos as delicate as yours.
The sort of people who object to these statues being removed and it being relegated to history books is simple: The people who want to see these statues remain can’t read.
How are you going to do that from behind your keyboard?
You won’t be missed.
Listening to VNV at home doesn’t bring the same joy to me as it did when I would hear it in the club. Sadly, there’s no venue for that style of music anywhere here anymore. :(
You mad that your mom didn’t let you have Pizza Pops for breakfast again?
Because their lives peaked when they got their camo letter jacket for warming the bench on their high school football team.
They’re going to need to price this well belong the Supra’s V6 model if it has a chance.
1st: I really hope that Nissan manages to get its act together. More automakers offering consumers choice is always a good thing. Nissan is at least occasionally willing to take a chance on design, and that’s something that we should encourage, even if they usually don’t settle on something we personally find…
So now that I have this chud as a follower, I have some questions. What do you feed incels? Pizza pops and saltines? They obviously don't need exercise, but I'd momentarily feel bad if it died from starvation.
Thanks for the follow, cupcake. ❤️
Trash is gonna trash. There is no hope for these fucks, because they finally have a leader that’s so monumentally stupid that they can relate to him. There’s no chance of persuasion, so their only use to us is for mockery and our own entertainment.