Beef Supreme

On the bright side, this is probably the stupidest thing and worst take we’ll read all day.

This fucknugget former judge is probably one of the perpetual greys here. The quality of the content seems to match.

Shitheels like this are an unfortunate consequence to widespread, affordable, easy to use internet.

The types of people he courts associate bandanas with the kind of people that they’re scared of.

Even if I also wanted abortions banned for selfish reasons, I would make an exception for any poor woman who you managed to impregnate. 

Were you able to regurgitate all of that with a straight face?

Well, if anyone is going to recognize those sorts of shortcomings and feelings of inadequacy, inferiority, and deficiency, it’s going to be you, tomato.


But he threatened pistols or a rope later, along with “tax is theft”.


Using your social assistance responsibly, I see.

Not sure if tomato or Poe’s Law. In either case, GFY, and I feel bad for any politician that has someone like you carrying their water.


I’m really just disappointed that you’ve reproduced.

“Hey, infectious disease here” 

STFU, tomato.

Someone recently escaped the crypt keeper, so Giuliani is available now, right? And he's known to be a slimy horndog, too. I bet he's already in her DMs. 

A side of homophobia for good measure, I see. Your “school of hard knocks” education is really coming through.

A total ban is never going to happen. It may have worked in smaller countries, but there’s only one country where firearms have been part of their DNA since the inception.

The masses wouldn’t be as fearful if they knew that every carrying citizen was responsible and mentally fit to carry.