Beef Supreme

My gun laws have problems as well. It’s funny how the smoothest of brains always fall back to Chicago because that’s the gruel that they’be been fed and there’s only so many thoughts that they can remember at a given time.

Y’know, I would almost be a fan of this. It would get rid of Fox, Breitbart, and every other right wing shithole that gives these people a boner.

Incorrect. Most liberal minded people don’t hate all gun owners.

Issue muskets instead of semi and fully automatics and we’re cool. The average American wouldn’t even be able to shoot or maintain one worth a damn.

You kind of outted yourself when you heaved up ”snowflake”. It is rather funny that white, conservative Americans are the most delicate of all, yet they’re the type to unironically parrot garbage like that.

I don’t think we need a Leader of the Free World(tm). We won’t get one anyway, because the leaders of all the biggest nations are screwed up for one reason or another.

And the destiny of two people whose entire raison d’etre is a race to see who can be a shittier person.

As if any of these knuckleheads have a use for LinkedIn. I don’t think Carls Jr or Walmart uses that platform for their hiring.

He isn’t worth my hate. However, I do hold resentment every mouth breathing moron who helped him get in via either voting for him or choosing not to vote at all. It sounds like that includes you. Sorry not sorry.

I believe that you’re not interpreting this correctly. Aside from the “1 more year” comment, of which a little optimism isn’t a bad thing, he’s correct in that OEMs understand that the current administration is temporary and that policy is more important than the feces flinging monkey at the top.

STFU tomato.

I got $1550.

This post caused me to run into a brick wall solely composed of Poe’s Law.

I don’t _need_ to buy a house, do I?

You don’t happen to be in or around SW Ontario, right?

...keep going...

This is definitely one of the more incoherent personas. Much more overtly angry, tactless, and really quite lazy even by tomato’s standards.

You’re simply talking past me. Do I need to overlay my words over an image for you to understand them?

No, you attach pictures because that is the extent of your ability to debate. It’s a visual ad hominem attack. You’re not bright enough to debate the legitimate criticisms, so you resort to features that you do understand: basic stuff that’s in front of your face. Demonstrate thinking ability and you’ll be taken

I am not sure how familiar you are with the political climate up here, but socks/selfies/hair are the main criticisms of Trudeau from the unintelligent in Canada.