Beef Supreme

This human deformity needs to find a more willing audience.

I gave this a NP because if there is someone out there looking for one, this is probably the one to get, especially since it seems that he is leaving room to negotiate on the final price.

The Kicks is an appliance that is only competent at being what it was designed for. If they’d kept the Juke’s drivetrain and put it into something that’s less boring than the Kicks but not as polarizing as the Juke, it would have been a hit.

If my life was as painfully vacuous as those who have multiple aliases here, I’d be choosing a more fulfilling way of finding purpose with my time.

What’s your mom’s debt:income ratio, and how much would it improve if you were living on your own?

..the fuck? You haven’t been paying attention lately, have you?

Y’all Queda is a much greater threat to America than the Sharia boogeyman.

Instead, you’re choosing to be some dull-witted troll’s spank bank material since you’re just another lib that he thinks he’s owning. And using “cgo-shithead” is pretty puerile.

We already take Florida on a rental contract each winter. You can keep it the rest of the year.

This timeline has demonstrated time and again that we don’t deserve to have nice things happen to us.

There aren’t enough smart Americans out there who would be willing to waste their own brain cycles developing an algorithm that collectively lowers the nation’s average intelligence.

And offering TheBlaze and other far right Youtube links as some sort of proof that he’s not some loon.

That’s exactly the graphic design prowess that I would expect from chuds like this crew of paste eaters.

Have you ever had an opinion that wasn’t thoroughly shitty?

I’ve seen an increase in this behavior, and other trends indicative of a lack of education, since Trump’s rise. It’s literally the “stupid person’s idea of a smart person” combined with imitation being the most sincere form of flattery.

I wish her luck. Hopefully she doesn’t pinball around the organization.

Thoughts and prayers. 

Which they’ll then market as a coupe.

Now there’s a bit of irony, given your posting history.

Are you 12 or just Republican?