Beef Supreme

Wait, so pointing out the flaws in your comparison and you respond with “free country”?

This made me guffaw. Well played.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Ask and ye shall receive.

Yes, we are still left with that, and it’s going to take a long time to deal with it. Transcentape has said what I what I think; this is going to be something that is going to take decades to fix. Fixing what is wrong with North American culture is something that will take the aligned vision of successive leaders to

The constant misspellings, lack of coherence, and random capitalizations are really unnerving. It’s something that I would expect from someone who has a room temperature IQ and thinks Olive Garden is ethnic food.

This is good Kinja satire.

I am not speaking for him, but when I hear it in conversation, it tends to have some subtle “presumed-lack-of-quality” undertones to the message. Same with “lol Volvo is Chinese”.

I work for an automotive data company, and this is exactly what I talk about at work. Non-car people don’t understand that this whole CUV thing is nothing but an arms race in ride height. What gives acceptable visibility today is going to be inadequate in 5-10 years because like you said, if _everyone_ is the same

Not quite. He has tools. Every acquaintance is a tool to him, and when that tool has outlived its usefulness, we see the “barely knew the guy, he was on the fringe. Never talked to him” sort of tweet that we’ve already seen.

That’s.. a bit of an unconventional rendition of the birds and the bees.

Regular people _sometimes_ hold hands in public.

Damn you for making me not notice the gold shovels and forcing me to scroll back upward to amplify the sadness.

This gentlemen has it correct. Once pocketwatches started including supercomputers, the waistcoat proved its worth over the useless jeans pocket.

Your half of this discussion is literally a Coles Notes version of every Trump supporter with barely enough brain cells left to rub together to learn how to mash a keyboard and make words.

Canada has been getting the hatch since it came out. It was a Scion that re-rebadged back to Toyota.

This administration is going to make it impossible for Jeopardy to use them as a topic. There’s been so much turnover that no reasonable person would be able to keep it straight.

This is after spending the last year publicly casting doubt on US government’s security experts due to the Russian investigation, preferring to take the Kremlin’s pinky-swear that they didn’t interfere.

Wikipedia is your friend. You should not be surprised when you get called a duck after walking and quacking like one, and taking a username that happens to have some political baggage.

I haven’t seen you denounce the suggestions in other threads that correlate your username to the ultranationalist political movement.