Beef Supreme

I would watch the shit out of a “Busey & The Kardashians Save Puerto Rico with Duct Tape” mini-series.

Well, it’s not like whoever the PC leader-du-jour is going to apologize.

I have a house, but no garage.

Up here in Canada, the van in the OP is a first-gen Previa. 20 years ago, a girl in my social circle had one. We beat the shit out of that thing. It finally died after her and her boyfriend took it out into a farmer’s field and was driving it around at road speeds over the ruts.

Maybe I am just seeing him being critical of Canadian health care, compared to the US.

Can we try to keep politics out of this, just once? Especially when it’s misinformed trash like this?

The enemy of my enemy... is still an enemy in this case.

We need to see something like this. A modern subcompact like a Fiesta vs a conventional midsize from 30-40 years ago.

This is all so... Delicious.

You’re not going to find a better one. If you want one, this is the one that you should be getting.

After being completely engrossed in the horrific stories in the other thread regarding shitty in-laws and their eating habits, I didn’t see that the thread had renewed.

“We are aware that our decision to remove birth control from our benefits plans has affected countless employees and students at prestigious Notre Dame. We have listened to this feedback and since we believe that all children are precious, we have decided to offer full service day care.

I still want a Mark VIII, and I prefer the facelifted model with the colour matched grille.

I know that some manufacturers are using recyclable materials for their non-leather trims. I have found that Honda in particular have very rough seat materials.

Hottake, idiocy, potato, potahtoe.

Your hot take shouldn’t have used an original Challenger with the ugliest possible set of rims attached to it. It just proves that money doesn’t buy good taste.

The first thing that came to mind was a CPO Ford Flex. Space for ages in an efficiently packaged box. Here’s a CPO 2016. I assume that your geography means that FWD is fine.

Imagine the meltdown if someone managed to get it through Trump’s head that the majority of those likes and shares aren’t real people and that they’re paid for. The “fake news” cries would be audible worldwide.

Wow, that’s a lot of snowflakes that didn’t like someone taking some shots at their Orange Messiah.

I don’t trust anyone who has their equalizers set like that.