Wyatt P. Rivilidge

you had a rhyming thing going on with omarosa and sammy sosa, then you ruined it with ben carson. I get your point, but I really liked the rhyming.

People who take their kids to breweries and bars that also happen to serve some food are the worst of the worst. They are all, without reservation, 20 and 30-somethings who don’t want to give up their lifestyle of going out and getting tanked but are too cheap/stupid/whatever to get a babysitter. I don’t want to

she is so brave to keep weathering these micro-scandals

This fucking dipshit is an approved commenter, and I’m not.

Clearly his technique of standing flatfooted, in one place while telegraphing huge, looping hooks is going to do well against one of the most technical, defensive fighters in history.

It is pretty absurd Curry fouled out in the first place. How many league MVPs get fouled out in a Finals game? LeBron has to practically murder someone to pick up a 5th foul in any game.

He threw his mouthpiece after fouling out, dude. At least half of the fouls called on him in that game were bullshit.

They’re not weird. They’re wierd. Which is even weirder.

And then I’m gonna go up to my fourth-floor apartment and continue to do whatever the hell it is I want to do.

Because you punch up, not down.

As a young newly out queer woman this had such a profound effect on myself and my friends. We had viewing parties for both the puppy episode and her Diane Saywer interview. My parents were havuing a very hard time with my sexuality and seeing Betty stand up for Ellen was soawesome.

Wow, this guy just can’t stop killing people. 

“E” sports are not sports, just so we’re clear. Offhand, I cannot think of a more useless, more pointless way to live, or try to make a living. The empty absurdity of the entire scene, en masse, is breathtaking. Anyone with any insight at all can only gape.

Which leads me to wonder if I would like members of Hollywood gossip circles, or if they’d like me, or if I’d trust their assessments of the personalities of others. I’m coming back with hard noes on all of these.

Huh. I know (or knew — it’s been a few years) a couple of people in industry who have worked with her and had nothing but wonderful things to say. And she’s big into dog rescue, which makes me like her a lot.

But genetics are not the same thing as gender, The best proof of this is the fact that like it or not, trans people exist and have done for millenia. Besides, unless you want to reproduce—which, sure, is an evolutionary instinct that some, though not all, people feel, and which is kind of a redundant urge at that,

You’re conflating sex with gender.

video games continue to not be sports.

why so much video game crap in the main feed lately?

I’m sure our president will be all over this on Twitter denouncing this act... I’ll wait...