
Nah, not in any real poll. Don’t worry.


lol are you serious

I’m totally OK with that happening to rapists and other abusers. Completely, utterly OK with it.

If he were black, he’d never have gotten a light sentence or had a breathlessly supportive white coed write him a character letter

looks like he doesn’t actually get to get away with it, though, does it?

Exactly! Oh, exactly!

It’s legal.

I think the guns are amazing, and I’m anti-gun in general.

Aw, are you gonna have a tough time enjoying your ribeye tonight?

You can go down the line in the comments to this and pretty much star every reply to fucknugget DinoHead because he’s getting demolished here.


Oh yes rape is such a difficult thing it’s incredible I’ve gone my entire life without raping anyone despite the vagaries of negotiating sexual ethics oh my goodness I feel so lucky

you left off the /s

Wow. Of all the MRA trolls we get here you are certainly among the worst.

I think it’s about damn time open carry was used for something worthwhile. If Brock and his family don’t like it maybe they should be anti-gun, which I somehow doubt very much they are.

Oh. Wah. I feel SO bad for his entire family. They didn’t bring this on themselves at all, not one bit. *weeps silently*

I still remember all the times boys harassed me in school and teachers did NOTHING.

He seems to still be a kid.

Yep! And don’t forget that even college is tedious and annoying because all of those same people from high school are now there and they aren’t any more interesting nor any smarter.