
Word! I wish I’d been able to skip every second of that BS.

No effing way, the parents of average brick-brained kids absolutely know what’s best for this one. It’s inconceivable that a child wouldn’t give everything else up just for a chance to build matchbox cars with boy scout bullies and torture frogs behind the school.

And so do a lot of “average” kids.

I wouldn’t want to hang out with your kid either.

eh, that’s probably true of half of all people today. People’s best friends are their facebook profiles.

mic drop!

Comic books and movies? Seriously? If someone can get a charge out of academics and feel fine about that, screw comic books and movies and other nonsense that just make everyone stupider.

Meh, he’s probably way better off leaving middle school behind him if he’s able. I moved up a few grades when I was young and it was WAY better than having to tolerate the vapidness of my boring-ass classmates.

I think there are probably lots of things worse and just as bad. Jeez.

Meh, if you’ve never been and have no intention of coming back and just want to see the sights there’s nothing at all wrong with going to see Times Square.

What happens to the millions of castoffs from horse racing is NOT AT ALL the same as what goes on in the show jumping/dressage world. No one is throwing a champion show jumper away. Most of the time they get sold as schoolmasters to upcoming riders.

I rode professionally for fifteen years. It doesn’t matter how much money you have, you don’t win big jumper events if you’re not good at what you’re doing.

Many riders don’t own their horses and aren’t rich, so yes.


That does legit work.

I just had two glasses of wine so I fear I might come across foolishly but two glasses makes me not care. Louis Dreyfus as in Julia?

Dude, they have already said they will not accept foreign donations while she is president. You are beating your head against a door that’s been standing open for months.

Zero people have been jailed for the appearance of a conflict of interest.

Incorrect. The Clintons do not draw salaries from the CF.

The Clintons’ presence is what brings in the donations. So basically you’re advocating for screwing poor people out of what the Clintons persuade rich people to give to them because you don’t like the Clintons and resent their influence in the world. Your position is really suspect.