I’m super liberal and I love that description of Bernie people. It’s right on target.
I’m super liberal and I love that description of Bernie people. It’s right on target.
One reason I like the Clintons is that they refuse to act like weenies about things like this. They discuss the actual issues behind their decisions and present the facts in question. They don’t try to pretend it didn’t happen. They’ll admit they were wrong but will defend their decisions as the best they could do at…
Really? So all you have to do now is go disrupt an event and haze someone into a less-than-perfect answer and then..you win?
Don’t you know? EVERY issue is one about which Bernie supporters get to act superior.
He doesn’t need to apologize. He engaged in a discussion with people who were disrupting an event. He was civil, they were less so, he doesn’t have to apologize for that scenario. Sheesh.
This is also how I feel about those wedding dance numbers that inevitably make their way onto YouTube.
Could be that men’s bathrooms are disgusting pig pits. I prefer segregated bathrooms, thanks very much.
I agree. However I’ve never had a chance to see him live and I would be really sad if some dumb politicians I had no control over ruined my one chance. I love Bruce, I’m just not sure about this one.
People seem utterly controlled by their television sets. Turn it off. Don’t watch it. Come back to real life and stop letting yourselves be manipulated by this kind of thing.
lol. Have you ever made a video of yourself when you have the sniffles? Men are the most pathetic beings in the world when they encounter a little discomfort. The XOs in my academy class almost knighted the guy who got kidney stones and couldn’t do shit for three weeks, telling us all to go easy on him and to watch…
whoof! Yeah, life as a man is so hard. Take car for oil change three times a year. Buy large riding mower to mow lawn. Drink beer rest of time. Lots of ditch digging and combat dying for today’s men, that’s for sure.
Wrrrrrong. A PAC that supports her takes that money. She is not allowed in any way to try to control that. It’s illegal for her to do so.
I really want to know if Sanders gave all of his six figure a year political earnings to those in need. There is no evidence he did so. If he didn’t then I guess he’s not a “socialist” either.
They even excuse him the NRA support/connections. It’s boggling, it truly is
Which is what Bill Clinton said, almost exactly. So again, it’s great when Sanders does it, deserving of the fires of hell when a Clinton does it. I’m starting to get how this works.
So has Bill Clinton.
Neither is she...learn how it works, please, oh please