
Paper Mario Colour Splash, and why the hell not. It’s not a bad game at all, and some of the writing is quite good (and some of it is pure groan worth dad-joke level). Should be finished in time for the arrival of Pokemon on Friday, but I’ve got one hell of a queue on the 3DS, not to mention PC and PS4, already.

At the end of the trailer - aren’t we a little past the Skyrim memes?

Yeah - Nintendo’s PR department must have some employees brought over from the Department of Redundancy Department.

So we really need a nitrogen powered car instead?

The fact they’re advertising now as “coming with all the hardware needed for fully autonomous” when they still don’t know how to make a fully autonomous car and therefore don’t actually know what hardware will be required is typical Tesla over hype.

Don’t forget to download the VR Playroom if you haven’t already - particularly if you’re not gaming alone.

This is true. All this talk of ‘fully autonomous by 2020' is simply dreaming. It’ll come, but not anywhere nearly as soon as the pundits are pushing.

I think you’d need to have been drinking heavily to buy it in the first place...

There’s no car manufacturing in NZ, so we get whatever the Aussies and Japanese are willing to ship over in exchange for hobbit fur and signed photos of Gandalf.

Counterpoint - look at how successful Yokai Watch has been.

There is currently no requirement or expectation attached to my driver’s license that I should sacrifice my own life to save others. Why should that change if the car is doing the driving?

There is no dilemma. In a truly autonomous car (sorry, HAV) the occupants should be protected first. Anyone else is a bonus.

It could be the best game ever made, cure cancer, usher in world peace, and provide free hookers and cocaine to every player twice a week. And it would still get under 30% on Metacritic because #fuckonami.

That’s OK. The other car looks like an MG-F in which case it’ll break down before it makes another 20 metres down the road anyway.

Has he gameplay changed at all since the public beta earlier in the year? I love the way the game looks but those mosquitoes, sliding block puzzles, and general aimlessness were just too annoying for me to put up with.

Aside from some of the maddening fetch quests, it was a great game. I even found the side quests which were basically “go from one waypoint in New LA to another to solve the murder mystery”amusing enough.

Having owned an MG-F, I’d say that making the MG-F a massive success would involve a complete QA overhaul of everything mechanical and electrical so that it didn’t break every 3 minutes or when the wind was blowing from the south east.

No but there is a Florida in New Zealand. But in the native Maori language it’s called “Anywhere-not-Auckland”

I think it’s Day o’Sex the Irish hentai game that’s being releasd soon.