
You mean “Go team Callie!” but otherwise starred.

The problem with the Conduit was that the controls were good but the actual gameplay was mediocre to bad. Had the developers spent more time on the actual game rather than hyping their tech (I remember all the “this will look better than a PS3 game” stuff they were pushing) the game might have done better and by

Brexit won’t even take effect until at least two years from now. There hasn’t even been an official announcement that they’re leaving, and the process takes two years after that happens.

Or even if there are points of interest...

Eddie gets dissed a lot around here but I think he could be a good natured, fun part of the show if the writers could just figure out what to do with him. Referring to him as “the crazy uncle” all the time isn’t helping in that respect though.

Playstation NZ is run out of Europe - check any of your confirmation emails for other PSN purchases and you’ll see all the links go to eu.playstation.com.

Exactly. My first thought was : why is he trying to take such an awkward selfie with his phone?

So it’ll start with 2 hours of Gyllenhaal queueing for a laptop followed by 45 minutes of him getting endlessly ganked in the dark zone?

Who on earth eats canned haggis? Haggis is only any good once you’ve hunted a wild one down in the hills and murdered it yourself with a blunt knife. #notruescotsman

It is pretty odd, even for Nintendo. Presumably there’s going to be one hell of a roll out in the next couple of months, including E3 and of course a lot of Directs.

“Only” one? :( None would have been the preferable outcome.

I used Hawking to beat the crap out of god. It seemed somehow appropriate.

I’m kind of in the opposite camp. I quite like the front, but everything after the middle just looks off, and I really don’t like the rear shaping.

The proportions just look all off to me, but I’m fully aware that’s just like my opinion, man.

Still have my original ‘aqua blue’ 3DS, which was a birthday present from my late girlfriend back in June 2011. So it’s not getting traded in.

I used the Valkyrie jump + Time Mage route to cheese through the later parts of the game (including the god-awful final boss)

Bosman is a douche canoe of the highest order, but if the likes of Pewdiepie can get an audience these guys shouldn’t have any trouble.

Douchebag vertical video mode...check.

Better than speeding up and crashing...

The only people who will ever read that are the ones shoving bananas up there...