Yeah, but once we get the SmartCar going, to quote Doc Brown : we’re going back .... to the future!
Yeah, but once we get the SmartCar going, to quote Doc Brown : we’re going back .... to the future!
Returning to the present is easy.
Typical Porsche owner parked over two parking spaces...
Exhumes? So you’re saying that it does in fact kill, then digs up the body?
Not entirely. At least, not in the shorter term. There are plenty of examples where a strict ‘follow the rules’ direction- without deviation - will cause problems. Not accidents, just problems.
That’s true - but it’s going to be a much longer “when” than this BS 3 years Tesla is pushing.
Originally posted 01/01/06
And what of the Hyundai Equus?
There are some related statistics in this NZ Ministry of Transport report (sorry it’s a PDF). They’re a little older but the looks of it, and the totals are different but the sense of scale is much the same.
Hidden in the summer for a million years
The video looks like the ‘Guitar Hero TV’ part of the game, which is noted as being a ‘free play’ mode. I’d assume that means no failure, but you get a really sucky score at the end of it.
Agreed with the iPad Mini. FO crashes, has random bugs (not radroaches - things like health bars being stuck on screen long after the dweller has moved on, rats stuck in endless running cycles...) and this morning it managed to crash and corrupt my Vault so that trying to reload that Vault simply crashes the game…
Use your bell and summon help. I’m enjoying everything about Bloodborne except the ass-tastic boss battles so have rung in outside help for 3 of them so far (out of the six total I’ve reached at this point) and have zero regrets.
They also suck. See Myanmar for reference.
I get 1 or two on a good day, and that’s in the city. Lucky if I get 4 a week.
Speaking as a NZ'er and someone (sadly) very familiar with our tax laws - no, there is no tax in NZ on prizes, regardless of value. Whether it's a $20 toy, a $50k BMW, or a $15m lottery win, you pay no tax.
You mean the first part of the first one was very very good.