I was very disappointed when Virgin Brides went out of business a few years ago...
I was very disappointed when Virgin Brides went out of business a few years ago...
Starting Bayonetta 2 very shortly, having heel kicked my way through the first game. Also just opened up Theatrhythm Curtain Call on the 3DS yesterday, which has been sitting there for ages while I spent 250+ hours on Fantasy Life... (cue obvious joke).
The game is Monolith's first title with online features. Takahashi calls it a "loosely connected online game" in that he means players will feel loosely connected to other players. "We're making the game so that there is a feeling of solidarity, even without being conscious of other players in the game," he explains.…
Bassett's Jelly Babies, definitely.
Ty The Tasmanian Tiger - advert here :
As per the all the new Australian focused Nintendo Direct, Australia will be the only country outside of Japan to be able to purchase the New 3DS in 2014.
Launches 21st November in Australia and New Zealand.
We get much more upset if you misspell words like colour and honour and humour ;)
Yes but you need to either know your art well enough to spot the fakes by looking at them, or Google up some images which will tell you which one in Redd's tent is the real deal.
'Made In Japan' certainly used to be a mark of shoddy, cheap crap that broke fairly quickly. This when was I was a kid maybe 35 years ago. 'Made in Korea' indicated crap even 10 years ago. Yep, the Kia and Hyundai examples, plus Samsung used to be renowned for their crap electronics that nobody with sense would touch.…
To be fair, Christchurch does now actually look like that, post-earthquake and everything...
Definitely. I sell every single game I buy on our local equivalent of eBay and typically get 50-70% of the new game price for them, depending on how well the game was reviewed and how old it is by the time I sell it.
Scored a StreetPass while climbing the tower in Seville Cathedral when sightseeing.
The game doesn't really demand much grinding in the old school sense. Though it certainly helps if you do a (fairly large) number of the sidequests and relationship building tasks dotted around the place.
Also, the word is moot not mute. As in, "becomes a moot point".
I remember the best option in the original Amiga game, when confronted with the AI carrier, was to go kamikaze with two or three mantas and that dealt to it easily and cheaply.