I know, 7 years past my prime!
I know, 7 years past my prime!
I know you didn’t mean anything by this comment, but still. I’m someone who’s the only single person in their social circle (I’m 25, it’s just that literally everyone I know coupled up as soon as college ended), who’s been on-and-off dating apps for a few years, and who wants to be in a relationship, or at least to hav…
The thing I do not get is that, like, do these peoples’s tastes not change with age? I mean, when I was a teenager I thought teenagers were objectively the hottest group . When I was in my mid-20s, I thought women in their mid-20s were objectively the hottest. Now that I’m in my early 30s, I think women in their early…
Anytime i see a dude mention theyre interested in women “18 and older” i wonder if there werent legal structures in place, what that age really would be. Men have controlled so much in society, theyve actually tricked themselves into thinking 18yr old women with older men is a super common, normal occurrence and they…
Nah. If he was a poor, he’d still be a skeevy dude dating grooming teenagers.
He’s dating a 19 year old because he can. If he were an IT admin or a dog walker or something, he’d be stuck with dating in his age/looks bracket. But he’s rich and famous, so here we are. I’m sure it will be over sooner rather than later, if that makes you feel any better.
So do older dudes in relationships with younger women imagine they look younger themselves when they’re with their sugar babies, or do they realize that all of their photos together look like the especially creepy ones of Donald and Ivanka? Cook is giving off serious Gross Dad vibes in all of those pics.
Yeah, these assholes are weaponizing outrage as a tactic, and sitting back to laugh at the fallout. Sources matter, and victims should be heard. But really we are approaching a scenario where people are having to apologize for their content even if there is no direct harm or victim (aside from people’s sense of…
Yeah, this stuff was all public and (while gross) NONE of it was illegal, unlike the actual rape and harassment exposed by #MeToo. I find it interesting that Jezebel staff are doing Cernovich’s job for him by failing to report where these accusations are coming from. At the very least it’s unbelievably shoddy…
Dan Harmon actually gave one of the best and heartfelt apologies about his sexist predatory behavior in a way I think few people here could really do in terms of their own mistakes and bad behavior. He went deep into his own fucked up mind to explain his behavior, and still made it very clear none of that explanation…
Yeah I’m not entirely getting why he has to apologize for this now, and I’m just not getting the rage in general. This happened a decade ago, plenty of people knew about it, but now because idiots need everything served right up to them in their faces to make them aware of things it’s something to crucify him over? If…
That has nothing to do with this current scenario. Neither Gunn or Harmon are coming under attack of ‘the perpetually offended’, they are coming under attack from a small group of shit eating, horrible people who are attempting to use other people’s ignorance in an effort to shut down and destroy the lives of people…
Enough of this bullshit. Cernovich is playing you. Don’t let him. He doesn’t care about James Gunn or Dan Harmon or Michael Ian Black or any of the other people he’s trying to drag. He wants the #metoo movement to devour itself and he wants to defend trumpm
Is this really an issue? Comedians push boundaries in a lot of ways. I won’t defend the content of his post. The title alone is enough to repulse me-let alone the gag-inducing description in the article. But at least he recognized how offensive it was right away and removed it from the Internet.
My stupid friends used to make dead baby jokes in high school about babies in a blender or nailing babies to a wall. Were they funny? No. Were those friends future baby murderers? No. I’m fine when people go down for rape, harassment, abuse, and consistent racism/sexism etc. But we have to have a statute of…
With you 100% here. My point is that it’s pretty shit to fire someone who apologised, actually did the personal work and didn’t repeat the behavior.
Why shouldn’t Gunn have been hired in the first place? They hired him to write and direct a movie, and he made a good one. He’s got no history of harassing or abusing others that would make him a danger on set, and it seems like he had already made an apology in 2012 for shit posting.
Right, this doesn’t sit well with me, because Mike “I make rape jokes like I breathe” Cernovich is behind it. And now they’re all saying he, Patton Oswalt, and Michael Ian Black are part of some Hollywood pedo ring. Like, Disney, context MATTERS.
Good, Gunn SHOULD get his job back. He has spoken about his history of really bad humor a few times, including during interviews during the first GotG. The fact that Disney let him go because of a Gamergate troll is them overcompensating for knowing about HW for decades and turning the other cheek.
Fuck Mike Cernovich, Jack Probosiec and all of the alt-right and toxic fandom behind this current tone-policing witch hunt.