
I agree, but certainly do see some apt comparisons between that poor, emaciated, bedraggled creature and what Jez is serving up as writers these days. Seems both we and the bear are approaching the bottom of the barrel. Jaysus, Jezebel, try harder, damnit.

I definitely get what you’re saying, but it just pisses me the hell off that this twat could even pretend to think writing this would be a cute idea. It’s reprehensible. I think young Alexis may have set a new (very, very low) bar at Jez, which is really saying something.

This new batch of writers... Blech.

Fun take on the completely avoidable yet absolute devastating affects of human greed and hubris!!! Bears slowly starving to as a direct result of human decisions are so relatable and just like us, amirite? Blah...this is not a good article.

The tone of this article leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Jokes about Kardashians? Pissing contests? “We are all this sad lost polar bear?” (“We are all...” is usually reserved for innocuous and comical images.) Look, maybe you’re trying to find some black humour in a depressing situation, but I think you’ve missed

I’m happy for you that you can see the lighter side of this, because I can’t.

There’s a direct correlation between the rarity of clever, well written, dialogue-intense comedies and the decline of the female-led studio film. From the 70s through the 90s studios invested in the box office sure thing of mid-budget comedies with a female lead (Barbra, Glenda Jackson, Goldie, Whoopi, Bette, Diane

Probably an unpopular opinion. But I kind of feel bad for her she didn’t even want to go to college she said before her parents pressured her. And although she was complicit the adults in the room thought this was a good idea and funded it. At that age I would do anything my mom wanted. 

I don’t feel bad for her but I think it’s shady and opportunistic as hell that jezebel is making her the face of the scandal when she’s not even one of the people who’s been indicted. She’s just one to the kids whose parents bribed oficials. The criminals are the parents and the network of scammers and coaches who

A big nope on Bernie. Not because I’m still pissed off at him, but because NOTHING has changed for him. He gives a great speech about what he says he’s going to do, but never gives us a hint as to HOW he’s going to do it. And if you ask him, you don’t get a straight answer. No thanks, Bernie. 

BeRnIe HaS bLaCk FrIeNdS

Jezebel will write concern troll heaut takes about all other dem candidates, but this white daddy is untouchable. 

Allow me to re-introduce myself
I’m fuckin old
Only a democrat when it suits me
Fauxgressive as the group of people screaming my name
White liberal pandering is the name of the game

I don’t “like” Bernie Sanders because he stubbornly stayed in the primary far longer than he should have and materially damaged Hillary Clinton’s chances and by extension damaged the country. I don’t “like” Bernie Sanders because many of his supporters are toxic dipshits. Remember when they booed John Lewis, an actual

And it is THIS that for Sanders is the stumbling block.

My problem with Sanders is he is too much of a grandstanding bullshiter. He deals with not getting his way by shouting and pouting. Putting down those who don’t necessarily agree with his “burn it all to the ground” mentality.

We have a field FULL of women, but you, Jezebel, are trying with all your might to still shove Grandpa Bernie down our throats?  Nick Denton doesn’t own you anymore, you can deprogram yourselves from the brainwashing.  This is a fucking disgrace for a “feminist” website.

What makes me extremely nervous about Bernie is his pandering to the “white working class,” which is really pandering to whiteness. People of color are also working class, but he puts a divide down. For women and people of color, we don’t have “identity politics” - a phrase he’s used several times, it’s just politics.

“Some of us, not me, pinched our noses and voted for Hilldawg.”

Look. I’ll vote for him if he wins the primary, just like I’ll grit my teeth and vote for Kamala (despite how much I hate her prosecutorial record) if she wins the primary because they are both not Trump. But I don’t not want to vote for him because I don’t like him. I don’t want to vote for him because I think he