This comment is heavy with pearl clutching.
This comment is heavy with pearl clutching.
"As for hair color… … Focus on your freaking schoolwork, not your hair. "
"I'm arguing the practicality of the situation - little boys look up little girls' skirts. Period."
I think that the debate regarding school dress codes needs to focus on the "why" more than the "what." When you start with the assumption that dress codes are necessary, you wind up getting tangled up arguing the "common sense" of hair color and "strap width." We need less institutional shaming of the human body…
There was an issue with a girl getting teased for the panties she wore
I realize you're probably going to delete this reply, like you did Not-you's, but the idea that any of the examples of dress codes pertain solely to having students cover their privates is a laughable strawman. There are larger, gendered issues in this discussion and you know it.
There is no "common sense" when it comes to dress codes, only institutional and cultural norms. These vary from place to place.
I understand that not everyone has the same interests. That is not a problem. The reason this article got my eyes rolling at LDR is this: feminism exists to address some pretty basic issues of safety, autonomy, and dignity. When I think of feminism I think of the struggle to ensure that female children get an…
yeah I worked for five years in a psych hospital where everyone there was I involuntarily committed for danger to self, danger to others or gravely disabled. These guards have no training in managing aggressive behavior.
Yeah- having a disability doesn't automatically make you a good person. I used to work at a store where this customer in a wheelchair had a horrible, yappy little dog. He snarled and lunged when anyone came near him, and she was super nasty about people "upsetting" her "service dog", who was a yorkie that she carried…
Well, you're obviously not nearly enough of a macho asshat to be allowed to work with children! If you don't beat and brutalise them, how will they learn?
This reminds me of the time I showed my dying father how to use the scooters at the grocery store because he couldn't walk more than 10 feet at a time without having to sit down. He got the hang of it right away (He was an Engineer after all) and immediately proceeded to block people, "accidentally" run into carts and…
I used to work with this one guy with one leg. (He was one of the higher-functioning clients at a day program for people with developmental disabilities.) When we went to the grocery store he would always ask for the motorized scooters so he could back them into me repeatedly while laughing his ass off. Then he would…
Gee, thanks for letting the women know ! I guess they were wrong about this the whole time.
Here's my concept for a real lady restaurant, using ideas I gained from seeing advertisements. It would look like a 1984 Laura Ashley catalog and serve cups of soy cappuccino foam and tiny bowls of non-fat yogurt with exactly three blueberries on top. Beautiful salads (non-fat dressing on the side) would be the…
So let me get this straight, the only time republicans do not want more money is when it is earned by their wives. Got it.
On behalf of those of us who cannot have gluten, I must express my disappointment that the national dialogue on breadwinning ignores those of us who fundamentally should not win bread.