
This is hardly unique to “influencers”, though they’re an appealing target. It seems like anyone in NY/MA/CT/NJ/ with a NH/ME second home has headed up to it. Friends in ME are seeing out of state plates all over, and I know of at least one ski area in NH that posted to their website asking people with second homes

Depends on how fun you think Trump getting reelected is

That’s totally irrelevant. By the time devs are able to take full advantage of this hardware, it will have been surpassed. This happens every generation.

Brakes? What is this, Jalopnik?!?

Go somewhat off season, unfortunately there’s pretty much always people now, but it’s not as crowded.

lmfao “you really think there are times where it’s ok for the military to beat up on reporters” is probably taking a video game’s binary morality system about 9x more seriously than you should.

Or you could do yourself a favor and not buy fast fashion garbage.

Or you could do yourself a favor and not buy fast fashion garbage.

Lol that “of a warrior” intro is so cheesy and nonsensical.

Found the Twitter user

There were multiple people in there dropping raw food in and then licking their fingers, so.... maybe not

If so, it’s too bad they committed to the bad Russian accent.

Leave them alone, no one wants to face 2020 yet

Wow. Just... wow.

“Feel free to make me an offer, but I’ve listed the price and I’m not in the habit of negotiating against myself.”

Man that gas mileage is a joke. I currently average just under 38mpg in my 2018 Accord, I could never stomach cutting that nearly in half. Just buy cars people, if you ever really need to haul shit you don’t need to spend $20k more, just rent a truck from Home Depot for $20.

This is Jalopnik, so the answer is always Miata

Kristen is that a CK2998??

barfs in corporate

No, that’s not what he’s saying at all, and anyone with 1/4 of a brain shoudl be able to grasp that. I have no idea where his personal politics actually fall, but that particular quote doesn’t say what you did.

Oh yeah, you’re the “only one”