

The “Oh my GooooAAAAAAHHHHD” shriek from her was fucking hilarious

“with six kids, the expected rate clibs to about 40%”

Are you trying to say he owes 150% of his income

Oh yeah, I think it’s hilarious that they were basically just like nah fuck off.

Those Cole Haan’s are fucking heinous lol

Those Cole Haan’s are fucking heinous lol

I mean, does that actually help candidates in Florida though

Lol I spend hours each week looking at cars I could afford when I don’t have to spend $20k a year on daycare.

Yeah I just sold mine a couple days ago. I found I just didn’t actually like playing on it, I think it sat untouched in the dock for like a full 2 months.

Calling 1270 miles “cross country” then defending it is just some soft blog-boy bullshit.

I don’t know anything about this character or show, but Amy Adams is a pretty big movie star and I’m not that surprised that, regardless of what playing the character is like, she’s not interested in tying herself up for another year for TV.

Who is Doug DeMuro

Kind of a random thought related to this being an Audi, but I wonder how the lack of a combustion engine will affect overall reliability for this, and other electric vehicles. Are Tesla’s “reliable”? What about other mainstream electric vehicles like the Bolt?

My recommendation would be something a chassis-size step up from the 3-series. A 5 series wagon, or maybe X5 as recommended. With 2 car seats in the back, rear leg room is key to being able to get the kids in and out more easily with both rear and front-facing car seats. The 3-series/small mid-size sedan class (are

...maybe I’ll start after THIS big, game-changing update though

I guarantee you on a 2012 Kia Soul it’s not far fetched at all for the loan balance to be double what the car was worth. Kia practically targets the low-income, poor credit market.

I dunno, he was pretty fucking annoying in The Defenders too. I haven’t gotten far enough in Luke Cage S2 for him to show up though.

She’s not on Fox because most mainstream Republicans consider McCain a RINO, and have for at least a decade.

I watched the 10 second trailer before the trailer, and that was enough. You’re not gonna trick me into watching two trailers.