
Dear Mr. Christie and all of the gun humping, and gun humper pandering fools that put the NRA talking points before the safety of real humans, from the bottom of my black little heart I issue you a hearty fuck you, most sincerely. I have never hidden the fact that the kids’ dad was a drunken, abusive moron that should

The vast majority of Democratic voters who dislike Clinton fall over themselves for Elizabeth Warren. The entire point of this blog post is absurd. Anti-Obama voters don’t hate Obama because he’s black, they hate him because he has a D after his name. Everyone hates Clinton because she is a center right Republican

Just speaking from my own experience, mentioning anything about her record is followed quickly with the attempted shut down: “you’re just saying that because she’s a woman.” Snake eating its own tail

Then the intellectually honest criticism of Brooks’ post would be to point to the litany of justifiable reasons people have for disliking her in addition to the irrational one of misogyny. Those would be (buckle up):

Can we have a different word for feminism that makes it very clear that I don’t consider myself a #whitefeminist? Do I have to just walk around saying I’m a black feminist? A #nonwhitefeminist?

sure, of course — i also think part of my extreme annoyance with the “what ever could be wrong with this woman’s unappealing demeanor” is that it takes so much space over, and often controls in tone, the “what ever could be wrong with her record” question too

Your own analysis seems to ignore the very glaring fact that when people try to have a substantial conversations about Clinton’s legitimate short comings as a politician, public servant, and candidate, they get hand-waved away in favor of the dominant narrative that people just hate her because she’s a woman. Its been

Define viable? Sanders often polls higher than Clinton in a matchup against Trump. Unless you have a diffirent definition of “viable” then the one I have?

It’s a simple way for Clinton defenders to avoid those discussions.

Barrack Obama was more likeable than Mitt Romney, in part, because he has a warmer personality.

Who says it’s the source? I’m a woman and I dislike her for lots of reasons that have nothing to do with her gender: she was against gay marriage until it was cool, she’s used racist language to drum up support for her husband (who has been accused of rape by more than one woman), she’s lenient on the death penalty.

This is why I wish that Clinton was not the only woman running. Her record is disturbing and offensive. If you put everything that she represents on paper, accomplishments and all..and you didn’t state the gender I would be turned off by her negatives

Dislike Carly Fiorina? Well, yeah; she’s a terrible person with awful views. Dislike Hillary Clinton? Sexist pig!