
@Tolk Veno: "your" house? I'm sure they bought his house already.

Dream on sergey, dream on.

They've been doing this for a while in britain, few years maybe.

No they could not have humans for lunch since there were none to serve those days, that's because there were dinosaurs you see!

When they started to fill in words while I typed I blocked that script after 2 days.

@Joseph Paul Johnston II: Yes it is, it's scaremongering and encouraging harassing the many people that like to take pictures of planes. especially if they don't 'look right' right of course being exactly the same as a predefined standard, meaning that now everybody that isn't 100% standard will be harassed every 10

@mtfmuffins: Congrats you are hired and will be making posters for your glorious leaders at the TSA in a week.

Shooting challenge: Nice looking people in a nondescript place sitting behind a laptop

@techynottreky: Plus don't many people use the searchbars in browsers? And aren't there many instances where you copy-paste what you search for?

@msweston: I know, but it's a nice average 12-in-a -dozen name, ideal for spies.

@elvenangel: Half? I raise your bet to 99.95%.

When you call all prostitutes sluts then how will you refer to the slutty type of prostitute?

@PinballFan: That's what I implied, and thanks for in effect replying for me to RawheaD.

@Solus: Actually a MRI is a very forceful suddenly collapsing field, so it might give some sort of short spike in the brain then.

@Thalantas: Ah a mac, yeah those have some issue with flash.

@tylermwashburn: "tylermwashburn" About 4,370 results (0.27 seconds

@msweston: Actually when you do you find things like this:

I once google myself (a screenname) and found a blog post bitterly complaining about me, as an example for a type of person.

@nikko1221: Maybe google will serve you ads for psychotropic substances.