
I think gizmodo should specifically and clearly state that you CAN question the author's point of view and snarky comments he made in an article - within reason, especially if it has in some way a bearing on the commenter in question.

@travisco_nabisco: Yeah and can we hire some chinese minders for everybody?

@RustyNeedle: Another solution: find a better job, one with a personal assistant maybe

@The Yellow Peril: Perhaps some gear or belt can be attached to an eggtimer to make it rotate something that can hold a DSLR for cheap, except then the eggtimer must be close and low enough to not get in the shot.

You premium cables last longer if you dip the contacts in snake-oil before first use.

@NorwoodIsMyHero: Well there's politics involved also, some countries are nicer to deal with than others, and some companies too, so suppliers might have that as a motivator too.

@Bluecold: I didn't say I needed to jump off to touch the ground, I need to jump when a bus is cutting me off squeezing me between the bus and the curb and staying on means I lose a damn leg and when pushed over under the wheels my life.

Youtube puts several cookies, including your geographical location, but remembering the volume setting is apparently asking too much..

Incidentally, I bet google HQ has lemonade stands

@Pook365: A classy company would have replaced the sign with a handpainted one and not have added another crummy note.

@Bluecold: I find the 'girl' design saved my life a few times because I was able to jump off when squeezed in by a bus or truck, and it's a bit 1920's to be particular about the diamond/double bar things, if they have the men-size wheels they are men bikes, and the size is not some macho thing either but because men

Smart to not put it on the back, in my neck of the woods you best hide and guard your laptop from people grabbing what they see.

@snownpaint1: It's all a matter of opinion though, sure china is growing and has massive production but on the other hand they have massive expenses too and when scaled against their population it might be not that unrealistic how they look at their yuan, not to mention risk-factors like natural disaster and such

@NorwoodIsMyHero: Not really, if china comes to some supplier and says we'll buy 100% of what you can deliver for $1 a 'pound or we'll look elsewhere' (the material of the example is irrelevant, some energy source) then another guy might say 'we pay $1.10! but - erm, we only need 15% of what you produce', then guess

@Stevox: China gets a lot of its fuel and materials from other sources than the middle east, africa and south/middle-america for instance.

@That Guy: And I'm the one that loses a star... Ok then,

I know the high-on-mp3 thing is a joke, and possible (or probably) some viral marketing thing, but I have to admit that some music really gets on my nerves, you know the kind, the stuff often used to put music on youtubes..

@minibeardeath: In many countries they go for polarization, but yeah it just does seem unsafe, and not just for toddlers, stuff can easily get in there like for instance dangling USB connectors or anything metal that dangles or sticks out, there's just a lot to go wrong.