
So this makes me wonder, did they find a way to make people hand over their DNA and have a camera installed in their forehead yet? Or do we have to wait another year?

@aec007: You working in a cotton mill? You sure make it sound that way.

Now that pose looks totally artificial, it doesn't look like he ever sits that way, makes you think he'd have an office chair even when on the beach, but that would fit the originality theme :)

So can you actually hold things and use the kinect? I mean say you hold a real golf putter can it deal with that? Or a toy sword, does it get confused if your hands aren't empty?

@taniquetil: But you could turn it around and say people HAD to get the guitar hero peripheral to play they game, if they 'wanted' or not, and so kinect might need a game that pushed people to want it (the kinect) to play it.

@Curves: This is the geek category remember? Women, haha.

@RainyDayInterns: Yeah but think what you can get for 40 grand, as alternative to that leatherman, I like it though, but damn, might be cheaper to buy a normal deluxe leatherman and have some jeweler goldplate it, leaves you with at least 35K to throw on some more nice things.

@RomanForest: The G-15 is just too damn fugly for anybody that has some money to be seen with, but I guess you could send it to the shop to have it spruced up before it enters your home, but seriously, that thing just doesn't look.

@Skir Mernet With Some Vuvuzela Joke In His Nick: I don't think this is the list for 'every rich geek' but for 'selected rich geeks'

I like the leatherman, I might give myself that when I was BP executive, better spend it while you got it right? ;)

A CD also has a limit in the amount of songs and also leaves you wondering how much more will fit, and seeing people now all have 40000 songs it becomes even more tedious to find the right ones.

@GitEmDoneSteveDave: Easier if the only issue with going to mars was a lack of pressure, but I fear there's more to it, you focus too much on a single detail.

EXIF data:

@GitEmDoneSteveDave: Sorry but he was right, the mars idea is relying on technological prowess, and humanity's prowess can do nothing much to this seemingly rather simple system of a pipe that's leaking oil, leading to a situation where people are wondering if we can even hope to do such a complex thing as trying to

Seems to me from all those contests that many people are quite adept at mimicking the stuff you'd find on some stockphoto site and only a very small number has any originality from themselves, which is good because else it would be a bit boring to come across the diamonds in the mud.

@Slinkytech: I can't stand the noise of AC units, they should make them quiet (and cheap) while they are researching anyway.

@franco1975 [Troll ]: Except that is exactly the same in 90% of the factories in china, yet it's the foxconn ones that have the abnormal incidents, and what they search is what the hell makes them different.

@tekdemon: It's 40% after doing mad overtime that will drive you nuts, keep that in mind, take your present job, work it twice, and lo and behold you too have 40% income to save, but you'll destroy yourself though.

@TheWormInYourApple: I think that currently the system has been turned capitalistic so you cannot then fault communism for the present state of affairs.

@Mindfield: That's the kind of work that would take 10 minutes to automate with as a result faster and more consistent output and I always wonder if they use people because it's cheaper or because people just need jobs.