He got all huffy.
He got all huffy.
If you're wondering later, "Gee crime, I don't know" was when I decided to kick your ass.
I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Step 1. Grind all flour by hand.
Step 2. Knead Bread like a cat for like hours.
Step 3. Bake bread in the stone oven in your cabin in the woods.
Step 4. Cool Bread and watch for bears
Step 5. Cut Bread with axe
Step 6. Get in your land rover and go to Whole Foods for avocados
Step 7. Go back home.
Step 8. Re-examine your…
Ugh. So Messi.
Thanks for the info!
Last year Sean Conroy was the first openly gay man to play pro baseball, also for the Sonoma Stompers. A great book on the team’s 2015 season just came out, The Only Rule Is It Has To Work. It’s more about relationships than baseball. Also, the GM’s name is THEO FIGHTMASTER.
“K2, Brute?”